Need a MySpace plugin
August 13, 2008 7:51 PM   Subscribe

Looking for a MySpace program similar to Comment Laser.

We purchased it but ended up getting a refund because it was buggy. Anyone know of any other programs similar to it? We are trying to find a software that would allow us to send targeted messages to fans in cities where our band will be playing. The ability to parse out names from our friend list based on zip code and/or city is most important. Open to any ideas or software. Thanks!
posted by KevinSkomsvold to Technology (1 answer total)
Open Adder and Eek Records MySpace Adder are worth checking out. Also get ahead of the game and start using a Facebook page as the targeting you can do within Facebook and its ad system is impressive.
posted by skylar at 12:26 AM on August 14, 2008 [1 favorite]

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