Meditative and healthy vacation ideas?
June 13, 2008 7:10 PM   Subscribe

Looking for personal retreat/solo vacation ideas, combining meditation, fitness, and relaxation. Could also use some tips on how to plan such a vacay. Any ideas?

In a similar vein as this fellow, I'd like suggestions for a personal retreat/solo vacation which combines opportunities for exercise, contemplation, and meditation. I've been feeling severely burnt out for various reasons, and would like to find a place to take a personal retreat. Fitness-wise, I enjoy yoga and hiking (but I am a little out of shape), beaches or mountains, would like access to healthy eating options, and would also consider more organized programs.. like, things of a boot-camp-y nature, or sessions on self-esteem, -awareness, etc. I also enjoy writing -- i can do that on my own, but iof there's something writer's retreat oriented you have input on, that'd be great too. I'm a 29 yo female likely leaving out of the southeast USA, and since I'm sort of limited on funds, cheap and/or spartan living would be fine by me. I guess about a week would be a nice long enough stretch of time.

I'm trying to figure out how to build such a trip, on my own, perhaps combining a drive with a visit to an ashram? or something of that sort. So, anecdotes on how one might have gone about planning this are welcome too, since taking/planning vacations is not my forte.

In fact, if there's something you know of that can be quickly planned and embarked upon... say, in a week or so? that'd be extra cool, for the spontaneity factor. (see, told you planning is not my forte.)

Thanks! (and if more info will help, lemme know...)
posted by NikitaNikita to Travel & Transportation (4 answers total) 14 users marked this as a favorite
Somehow, I don't think that you are going to find a lot of meditation/yoga mixed in with boot camp offerings without getting decidedly cheesy (ClubMed?). In Oregon there is a hot springs/retreat center place called Breitenbush. I believe they have lots of classes on meditation and yoga and such.

An additional option if you don't want structure is Valley View Hot Springs in Colorado. I don't know if they have any classes and things.

Both of these places are gorgeous. Gorgeous! Both, are a few hours of driving from the nearest airport and don't have much in the way of city offerings nearby (think an hour away or more). Both are in the mountains.

If you told us your budget, that might help. You could also google around Taos or Santa Fe, New Mexico or Prescott or Sedona, Arizona.
posted by fieldtrip at 7:38 PM on June 13, 2008

Been there but haven't done the boot camp.

Might be right up your alley.

Place is amazing.
posted by beccaj at 7:42 PM on June 13, 2008

You could ask your yoga teachers or check the bulletin board at your studios to see if there are any upcoming retreats.

I just got back from an organized retreat which was at amansala's sister resort, Casa Magna. The trip was great, but I am not sure I would go there alone - I would want to know there was some yoga being offered when I was there. Also, we are heading into hurricane season in the gulf. I think on their own these places will be more like bootcamp (amasala is the home of the "bikini boot camp") and not so spiritual.

I dont know how you feel about coming to the northeast, but I have been to retreat at Ananda Ashram and Kripalu. You should be able to just drop in to either during the week - the weekends may be booked. Ananada is more ashram-y and Kripalu will have more choices.
posted by shothotbot at 8:26 PM on June 13, 2008

It seems like every issue of Shape I've ever read has something like this in it. Perhaps you should check the travel section of their website?
posted by ch1x0r at 8:30 PM on June 13, 2008

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