Waiting an hour really Hertz
June 6, 2008 7:24 PM   Subscribe

I didn't realize the benefits of Hertz's #1 Gold Club don't take effect until after the first rental. Is there a way to get around this?

Last time at Hertz, I waited in line for an hour. This time, I am in a hurry, and an hour wait will seriously mess up the itinerary. So, I splurged for the Club Gold (one of the benefits of Club Gold is that you get to bypass all lines. It costs about $30, with the AAA discount.) Alas, it doesn't take effect until the second time you rent (after having purchased it)!

The rental in question is going to happen a week from now. Is there something I can rent (extremely cheap) between now and then, and have that count as my first rental? Is there some other way?
posted by proj08 to Travel & Transportation (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Really? I don't remember that, but I've been in it for so long. If anything, I think they want you to sign a long contract so that the next rental you'll have that "on file" so the car will just be waiting for you on the lot. It is convenient. I have accounts with Hertz and Avis and haven't stood in a line in years.

If you live in a city with an airport location, often weekends rentals are pretty cheap. I compact in my fair city is $14.99 plus about $12 in taxes. So you could do that. But before doing that, call them and ask them if there's something you can fax them so your signature is on file. Or if you an go to the airport location and sign something w/o renting a car first.
posted by birdherder at 7:51 PM on June 6, 2008

Try calling a local Hertz location and explaining the situation. I think the reason you need to wait in line the first time is just to sign some paperwork. It's possible you can take of that anywhere.
posted by blue mustard at 7:56 PM on June 6, 2008

just go to the gold line, show your card and ask for your rental. They will take care of you.
posted by caddis at 8:40 PM on June 6, 2008

I think the same thing happened to me (signed up in advance, was surprised it didn't kick in until trip #2).
posted by zippy at 2:29 AM on June 7, 2008

caddis has it I think

but if saving an hour is that crucial, I sure hope you aren't planning to fly to where you plan to rent the car, because the odds are you'll be more than an hour late before you get to the Hertz counter
posted by fourcheesemac at 5:12 AM on June 7, 2008

Response by poster: Called several Hertz locations. They say I have to rent something beforehand. "If you sign the paperwork now, then you'd be renting the car now! Of course we can't do that!" Idiots. Oh well, this is a great opportunity to rent a stick shift and learn manual transmission, right? No. They don't have manual here. So it looks like I'm gonna end up renting a Chevy Impala for like 45 minutes. Anyone want to go cruising? ;)

posted by proj08 at 7:11 AM on June 7, 2008

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