American Apparel Wholesale
August 5, 2004 1:22 PM   Subscribe

I've heard that American Apparel's wholesale prices are way lower than the $15 they want at retail for a plain t-shirt. How low do they go? Also, someone the net must resell them (printed or unprinted) for less than $15. Who?
posted by smackfu to Shopping (7 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
I have a company that buys from AA wholesale, and we pay just under $4 a shirt (solid, no-pocket tee). XXL is around $4.50. Of course, we're buying 20-30 dozen shirts at a time, so there ya go. Don't know about resale prices.
posted by mkultra at 1:47 PM on August 5, 2004

Onikowear sells them fairly inexpensively ($7.99 for the baby rib basic tee). I've ordered from them several times and have had good luck. The site isn't pretty, but that's a different story.
posted by smich at 2:13 PM on August 5, 2004

I think it would be in bad faith to purchase something as a wholesaler and then mark it up to a point under AA's retail pricing. I don't know if there is an explicit agreement as a wholesaler -- but I am one. And it's pretty cheap, but not as cheap as ordering cases (a dozen dozen) of a single style and color.

A t-shirt is like $5.50 for white and $6.50 for colors.
posted by zpousman at 2:15 PM on August 5, 2004

I was quoted less than $4 for men's medium color shirts if you buy a dozen. Also, in NYC at least, there are stores that sell AA stuff cheaper than AA stores (like $8/shirt).
posted by jeb at 2:18 PM on August 5, 2004

less than $4 for men's medium color shirts if you buy a dozen

So is that a dozen of one color or can one mix and match?
posted by calistasm at 3:36 PM on August 5, 2004

I just got several shirts today that I ordered from Let's Get Dressed. They're $9 or something, so not the best, but they do have (almost?) every item and color and free shipping on orders of more than $100.
posted by Utilitaritron at 4:39 PM on August 5, 2004

Response by poster: Woah. That certainly is "way lower".
posted by smackfu at 9:14 PM on August 5, 2004

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