Submission site for fables?
May 5, 2008 7:42 PM   Subscribe

Can anyone recommend any places (print or online) where I can submit short fiction articles such as fables about animals, the environment and so on? Hopefully, ones that pay. Thanks very much.
posted by Tullyogallaghan to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Duotrope's Digest has one of the most user-friendly search engines available. It will sort writing markets, both online and print, according to genre, word count, and pay. It will also tell you how long the response time for each potential publisher is.
posted by netbros at 9:23 PM on May 5, 2008

Start with Duotrope's Digest, a great online database of print & electronic journals, searchable by genre & paying/non-paying markets. Or go sit in a bookstore with a good magazine selection and read for a couple hours. Some people like the book Writer's Market, which lists thousands of magazines by genre in succinct little paragraphs; I don't because there's no sense in carpet bombing magazines with writing that may not be at all relevant to their aesthetic or interests. Be sure to get a good sense of a journal/magazine before you submit (i.e. read an issue, or comb their website for excerpts & samples). As someone who's read the slush pile of a small literary magazine, I can attest that a good 50+% of submissions came from writers who clearly had no sense of the magazine's prevailing aesthetic. Those submissions never got a second glance. Don't waste your postage/an editor's time.

Another good place to ask questions like these is the Speakeasy message board over at Poets & Writers.

My perspective on all this, by the way, is as a poet and writer of literary fiction. When you say "fiction articles," I don't really have a sense of what you write, or the audience it's aimed at. Children's publications? Literary journals? Popular interest magazines? Are you hoping to be paid as a means to make a living (and thus are you willing to take on freelance jobs &/or write copy for websites?), or would it be nice to get thirty bucks for a short prose piece every once in a while? These are important things to clarify if you hope to get accurate answers from AskMe folks and others.
posted by soviet sleepover at 9:41 PM on May 5, 2008 [1 favorite]

Write your own Zine. Can sell it for $2 a piece if it's really good.
posted by saxamo at 8:38 AM on May 6, 2008

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