How to upload listened MP3-player tunes to online music discovery sites?
May 5, 2008 4:10 AM   Subscribe

How do I send my MP3-players listened tunes to a music discovery site (like if I'm not using an iPod?

I just love music discovery sites like but I have found out that I mostly listen to music on my portable media player and would like to add those listened tunes to my online account on any music discovery site. supports iPod's, but I have a Windows MTP-device (Cowon D2). I have tried Zenses but that doesn't work.
posted by evercool to Computers & Internet (1 answer total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
If you're not adverse to installing something like RockBox on your mp3 player (of which there was recently a port for the Cowon D2) there's a way to change the log file of your mp3-playing habits which Audioscrobbler can then pick up on and relay to

Good luck!
posted by tybeet at 5:24 AM on May 5, 2008

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