Where can I find film footage of Richard Nixon bowling?
April 19, 2008 2:41 AM   Subscribe

Where can I find film footage of Richard Nixon bowling?

According to ESPN (about 1:05), he was an "avid, if awkward bowler", and they play 2 awesome seconds of footage. I want more.
posted by Tlogmer to Grab Bag (1 answer total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: I assume you're not expecting it to be online? As near as I can tell, there is that one "Lebowski" shot of Nixon bowling and the rest is archival, buried in the libraries. I dug around a little bit in the Nixon archives and it seems like there may be some on Super 8 which would require some sort of payment, I'm assuming.

- Roll C-10 "underexposed interior seq. appears to be of bowling"

The bulk of the film collection has offline finding aids that you can have a librarian search for you. Follow the link on this page.
posted by jessamyn at 8:45 AM on April 19, 2008

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