Super Comfortable Portable Chaise for Sunning?
April 17, 2008 12:01 PM

I've moved from a claustro apartment into a place with a (small) backyard, I have a full ipod with great headphones, and I've got a stack of books to read. It's time to kick back and suntan (quickly, before the really heavy rays kick in in July/August!). So...can anyone recommend a seriously comfortable yet reasonably portable (must store in garage between uses) chaisse lounge...or other outdoor reclining furniture appropriate for sunning?
posted by Quisp Lover to Home & Garden (5 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
Dude, fuck a chaise lounge, seriously. Get a hammock. If there's no trees at appropriate distances to hang it, get a stand, too. They break down pretty easily.
posted by notsnot at 12:44 PM on April 17, 2008

Either a Coleman fold-up cot or now I see there are chaise-style travelchairs.
posted by rhizome at 12:53 PM on April 17, 2008

The Hammacher Schlemmer catalog has this folding hammock stand and this portable hammock.
posted by Koko at 1:24 PM on April 17, 2008

I just got one of these relaxers from Bed Bath & Beyond. Really comfortable, and folds up quickly and easily. I have the one with the wooden arms (and cupholder!)
posted by candyland at 5:53 PM on April 17, 2008

can I tan my back in a hammock? I never "flipped over" in a hammock before...

Thanks, rhizome, will check it out.

I'll go look at BBB tomorrow, candyland, thanks. They used to carry this flimsy-looking $39 chair that was unbelievably comfortable.
posted by Quisp Lover at 6:16 PM on April 17, 2008

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