How to hear the dodgers in Salem, OR
April 7, 2008 9:00 PM

How do I listen to the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball games in Salem, OR?

I'm a transplanted dodger fan...I want to listen to my team, but I don't want to pay for it. Is there any way that I can get the dodgers radio network (KABC 790 AM in Los Angeles) or any other live broadcast of the games via the internet in Salem?
posted by smithmac_99 to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (11 answers total)
Given the restrictions on rebroadcast by major league baseball, I believe the only place you can listen online is at
posted by sharkfu at 9:22 PM on April 7, 2008

MLB Gameday Audio (the Internet Radio package) is $14.95. For the year. They've done a good job at clamping down on other sources--the local radio stations with the contracts shut off their streaming when the over-the-air is broadcasting the game. So, barring some lucky late-night AM atmospheric bounces, I think you're out of luck.
posted by stevis23 at 9:32 PM on April 7, 2008

I think there's a new restaurant/bar that has a bunch of TVs for sporting type event viewing, I think it's on Center and 17th? There was a write up in the paper a week ago, you might stop in if there's a particularly big game.
posted by asterisk at 10:34 PM on April 7, 2008

XM radio online is only $2.99 a month and has all the games.
posted by mathowie at 10:52 PM on April 7, 2008

Are you sure XM will work? XM lists those channels as not being on XM Radio Online, except for the talk station Home Plate. I think MLB's Gameday Audio is the only legal (and stable) online option.
posted by ALongDecember at 11:40 PM on April 7, 2008

Gameday Audio link. Make sure to click "Get Gameday Audio on its Own" unless you want a subscription to SI also (it says it's free but you'll have to remember to cancel.)
posted by ALongDecember at 11:43 PM on April 7, 2008

My wife confirmed the XM online does not stream the baseball games. She logs in through our Gameday Audio subscription.
posted by stevis23 at 4:43 AM on April 8, 2008

This isn't a free option, but we have XM Radio and we get all the MLB games on it. (One of the immediate rewards of paying for a subscription was that I was able to hear Vin Scully for the first time in ages.) There's a ton of other stuff on XM which makes it well worth the money to us, but it's indispensible during baseball season. Helps, too, that I can look through the channel list and get scores at a glance without slipping stations.
posted by azpenguin at 7:41 AM on April 8, 2008

One other option, (potentially) slightly cheaper:

If you've got a newish mobile phone, you can subscribe to the MLB Gameday+Audio for 7.99/month. It streams the home, away, and sometimes spanish broadcast to your phone.

Mind you, it does use airtime, and after the second month it's already more expensive than the Gameday Audio online, but if you're just looking to do it once, this might be the cheapest way.
posted by SpiffyRob at 7:52 AM on April 8, 2008

Gameday audio, in my experience, is a great deal. Not only do you get your team's games, you can listen to any other game as well, and it works pretty well. It even covers the games through next year's spring training (most of which aren't broadcast otherwise).
posted by drezdn at 8:59 AM on April 8, 2008

I've used MLB's Gameday audio for years to listen to games at work (that and the flash Gameday popup on the Giants homepage makes a pretty good workplace substitute) the $15 really is pretty cheap.

As a Giants fan I'd make the obligatory Dodgers Suck statement here but we look so pathetic this year its not worth the bits.
posted by bitdamaged at 10:01 AM on April 8, 2008

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