coffee roaster in Dallas, TX?
March 31, 2008 3:35 PM   Subscribe

Any Dallasites know a good local source for fresh-roasted coffee beans?

There's gotta be a roastery around here somewhere, but I can't quite find it. I'm a recent arrival to the Dallas area, and the geography still throws me a little bit- but I should be okay if I can find it on google maps.

Specifically, I'm looking to expand my coffee experiences with some fresh-roasted beans that I can grind myself. I'd like to try some different origins and roasts if I can. I'm completely enamoured of the idea of roasting my own, but I haven't got to that point yet.

Bonus points for Plano or N Dallas! And thanks a million!
posted by Shohn to Food & Drink (7 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
I think Cafe Brazil roasts their own coffee (that is, roasts it locally and ships it to their location around Dallas and the 'burbs). However, I don't know if they ship it to a location when that location runs out of a particular type, or if they have a regular roasting schedule. But you could call and ask. Or you could go to a location and use it as an excuse to have some awesome crepes! (I like the Richardson location at 75 & Campbell.)
posted by korres at 5:36 PM on March 31, 2008

A quick google search netted White Rock Coffee, which is not too far from Plano.

But my main reason for entering this thread was the mention of Cafe Brazil - when I lived in Dallas the Richardson location was a favorite stomping ground.

If you are in Plano, there is one by the Central Market, but the one time I was there I felt it lacked the character of the older locations.
posted by casaubon at 6:08 PM on March 31, 2008

It certainly doesn't have a wide selection of origins or roasts, but if they carry something you like, it's tough to beat the price and quality of some of in-house roasts at Costco. I tend to like Central Americans, and their Columbian is about as good as any I've roasted myself -- at $5 - $6 (haven't paid attention lately) for 2 lbs. Turnover is high, so it's usually fresh -- often you can find bags still warm from the roaster (leave them sit 3 - 7 days for best results).

Outside of that, there was (and may still be) a roaster in Addison, just south of Beltline and east of Midway (Beltwood Pkwy perhaps?). I've never been there and don't know their name, but several people told me that they'd liked what they got there.

Roasting your own isn't a terribly big leap -- you can get a long ways with a sampler of green beans from Sweet Marias and a popcorn popper from the thrift store... You'll know it's out of hand when you end up acquiring a HotTop and beans by the five pound bag :-)
posted by nonliteral at 6:29 PM on March 31, 2008

Coffee Company (yes, that's its name) just off Skillman in East Dallas roasts their own beans, has a great selection, and also has nice produce. The address is 6038 La Vista Dr, Dallas, TX 75206. It's not north Dallas, but near Greenville Ave, White Rock Lake, and other places you may find yourself visiting.
posted by bwanabetty at 8:35 PM on March 31, 2008

Sweet Maria's has excellent green beans (if you want to get into that someday) and a few roasted at a time

Most good grocery stores will carry at least one good brand of somewhat locally roasted coffee (at least in the last few cities i've lived). Of course more healthy stores will as well like any local health food store or the chains like Whole Foods.
posted by joshgray at 7:24 AM on April 1, 2008

I'd second White Rock as a great source for fresh roasted beans. Also, Dunn Bros has two locations, one in Addison and one off of 635/Tollway area. Addison Cofee roasters is also a good option.
posted by aperture_priority at 7:56 AM on April 1, 2008

Another vote for White Rock Coffee here.
posted by space2k at 2:01 PM on April 3, 2008

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