Where can I find late 70s/80s era wrestler pictures/portraits?
August 24, 2007 1:54 PM

Where can I find late 70s/80s era wrestler pictures/portraits?

when I was a kid I used to go with my grandmother to the local arena and watch wrestling. At these events they would sell 4x6 photos of wrestlers, just random portraiture, and you could buy these for a couple of dollars.
My grandmother had an entire photo album full of these things and they've since long disappeared but I long to have some of these again. It was a prized possession of both of ours that is sorely, sorely missed.

The federation in question had about six hundred names. I'm pretty sure it was recognized though as The Championship Wrestling Association (CWA), or Mid South, then United States Wrestling Association (USWA).

I'm looking to acquire pictures of Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, Dutch Mantel, Jimmy Valient, Rock N Roll Express, Eddie Gilbert, "Wildfire" Tommy Rich, The Moon Dogs, amongst others and pretty much any generic "masked wrestler that I can find. Anyone from this era that fills the picture requirement.
Again these were almost always a full body shot of the wrestler (or wrestlers) just hanging out in front of a door or staircase in the arena.

I've looked around with almost no luck - is there someplace that would collect these that I could contact or an internet resource I haven't been able to find?

If you can help me I'd be immensely grateful.
posted by starr226 to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (1 answer total)
Not exactly what you're looking for but the site that was selling metafilter t-shirts not too long ago had a largish b&w photo of a wrestler for sale. It was pretty cool looking but I don't know if it was anyone famous.
posted by dobbs at 2:14 PM on August 24, 2007

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