How to switch a Treo 700p from Verizon to Sprint?
June 24, 2007 11:40 AM   Subscribe

Is it possible to use a Verizon-branded Treo 700p with Sprint service?
posted by bdk3clash to Technology (5 answers total)
The only way you could is if the phone has an ESN that Sprint will activate.

I'm leaning toward no, but I could be wrong. You can just call Sprint and ask if they'll activate the ESN, I guess.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
posted by DMan at 12:34 PM on June 24, 2007

Yeah, might as well ask them. Second opinion would be to go to an independent cellphone store ask them, especially if they deal with unlocks. The Yellow Pages and a phone would be helpful here.
posted by rhizome at 12:59 PM on June 24, 2007

Sprint absolutely will not activate anything that isn't one of their devices. Unlike other carriers, unlocked phones etc. aren't allowed.
posted by jtfowl0 at 1:02 PM on June 24, 2007

The place to get the answer for this is over at
posted by filmgeek at 8:47 PM on June 24, 2007

The answer is very likely no. While "unlocking" your phone is now allowed (it's not a copyright violation, like removing DRM from a digital music file), carriers are not required to allow out-of-network devices on their network.

But you might have luck sweet-talking the right Sprint rep. Or you can just try to unlock your phone and activate it with Sprint over the phone (not in a store) and see if it works.
posted by Merdryn at 3:05 AM on June 25, 2007

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