Easy, Cheap, Reliable Third-Party Merchant Accounts?
April 12, 2004 10:01 AM

Suggestions for easy, cheap, reliable third-party merchant accounts? I've looked at 2CO and charge.com, but first I eagerly seek the voice of experience.

BTW, I have very simple needs: I'm just looking to resell a couple of quaint domain-and-hosting packages for family and friends both here and in the Philippines. They'll have VISA and Mastercard and basic net knowledge.

Paypal, or anything else that requires US-residence or a registration, is not an option.
posted by brownpau to Work & Money (2 answers total)
Paypal have a Merchant Account which allows payment via a credit card (I'm assuming that the buyer doesn't need then to create a paypal account to pay you).
posted by seanyboy at 4:14 PM on April 12, 2004

Nope, I've checked the Paypal Merchant Tools section, and it requires login.
posted by brownpau at 8:32 PM on April 12, 2004

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