Name that 1990's top 40 band!
March 15, 2007 6:44 PM   Subscribe

What is the name of the band that was popular in the mid-1990's with a few hit singles. I think they were from California....

The lead singer had a Greek last name, I think. His first name might've been Alexis, but I might've made that up. I remember that they had one song that was about the lead singer's wife or girlfriend dying. I also remember that they sounded a bit like the Toadies. I seem to remember a video with a body of water in it. They were definitely a top 40 band, but at the time might've been considered "alternative." It's not Filter, Sponge or Presidents of the USA, but definitely of that ilk. It's not Sugar Ray or
posted by sneakin to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Everclear?
posted by hopeless romantique at 6:48 PM on March 15, 2007

Response by poster: Oh. my. god. Thank you both HUGELY. That has been driving me bananas.
posted by sneakin at 6:50 PM on March 15, 2007

Just want to mention that they were actually from Portland, Oregon.
posted by drezdn at 8:49 AM on March 16, 2007

You're probably thinking they were from California because of their only good song (and first hit), "Santa Monica."
posted by logovisual at 9:32 AM on March 16, 2007

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