How to display my Mac .ppt on a PC-friendly projector?
November 27, 2006 4:42 PM

Is there a way to switch the display on my Mac G4 to an external projector?

I have an A/V port adapter that plugs into a serial port on a video projector that I often use. Unfortunately once everything is plugged in, the video won't be displayed out the projector.
On PCs I understand there's a display output option (where you can swap between "computer screen" and "external device") under the control panels, but I don't think I've found an appropriate equivalent on my comp.
What's frustrating is that a colleague's Mac works (though his was bought in Taiwan, mine in the US)
posted by 53B3L1U5 to Technology (2 answers total)
I'm confused. You have a serial port plugged into a projector? From a Mac? That doesn't have serial ports?

Is there any way that you can take a photo of this setup? All you need to do is plug the VGA cable from the Mac's video card into the projector and go.

You might need to go into the Displays control panel and click "Detect Displays" but otherwise, this is easy to do. We have several G4s of various ages sitting around here and we hook them to projectors all the time.
posted by drstein at 5:03 PM on November 27, 2006

What kind of mac are you using?
posted by eleongonzales at 7:14 AM on November 28, 2006

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