Scanning multiple photos without clicking excessivley
June 17, 2006 5:08 PM   Subscribe

Is there a way I can scan multiple photos without having to click through dialog box after dialog box?

Ok, so here's my situation. I've got over 400 family photos that I've been scanning in, and every time I scan I have to click OK to every single dialog box the HP Scanner software tells me (200 DPI, cropping, etc.) Is there a scanning program that's available that allows for "Quick Scans" (not in terms of time it takes to scan, but in terms of time between scans).

So long story short, are there any good free scanning programs with simple features that allow me to not click through dialog box after dialog box?

Thanks meFi!
posted by CXImran to Computers & Internet (9 answers total)
In a word, Vuescan.
posted by unSane at 5:42 PM on June 17, 2006

What's the HP scanner model and software/version?
posted by Fins at 6:16 PM on June 17, 2006

Response by poster: It's a deskjet 6110, and I'm not sure the driver version, but I downloaded it today (June 17) from the HP Website.
posted by CXImran at 6:18 PM on June 17, 2006

Is it an Officejet 6110 All-In-One with HP Director software on Windows XP?

Looks like you should be able to one-button scan once you have set and SAVED scan settings as explained here:

HP (a little slow)

Are you using the above HP Director software to work on the images too? If not, what are you using?
posted by Fins at 7:10 PM on June 17, 2006

BTW, Windows XP has free scanning software built in.
posted by Fins at 7:20 PM on June 17, 2006

Response by poster: I've actually been using director, as Fins as said. I will take a look at that and Vuescan both, thanks for the help guys!
posted by CXImran at 7:52 PM on June 17, 2006

Not the answer you're looking for but a friend recently had about 500 prints scanned and burned to DVD for around $175, including shipping and return of the prints. It depends on how much you value your time.
posted by nathan_teske at 11:21 PM on June 17, 2006

The problem with scanners is, you get the software that comes with them. So if you've got an HP scanner, you've got HP scanning software, and other software won't be free.

My scanner is a Canon and it has software with presets (one for "save to file", one for "email" and so on), so it has far fewer dialog boxes than your software. Indeed its presets can be mapped to buttons on the front of the scanner so you can do it all without using the mouse/keyboard. Push the button, and it scans and saves the (numbered) files to a set folder.

I know it doesn't help to say "my scanner's better than yours" but that's essentially your problem -- your scanner comes with annoying software. If it's driving you that crazy, you might want to invest, maybe $50-$60 on a Canon with those buttons.
posted by AmbroseChapel at 12:49 AM on June 18, 2006

I wonder if importing through photoshop or gimp and using a macro would speed things up?
posted by craniac at 7:49 AM on June 18, 2006

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