My left leg is malfunctioning
June 6, 2006 2:16 PM   Subscribe

I somehow injured a muscle or tendon in my left leg and now I can no longer lift the ball of my left foot off the ground when I'm standing.

This started a couple days after Memorial Day weekend. I went camping and canoeing, but don't remember any event that might have caused this. Also, when I walk, I can't roll my left foot smoothly from heel to toe, as happens naturally with the right foot. Another symptom is that when laying down on my back and trying to flex my toes/feet toward my head, my left foot can't go much beyond perpendicular to the floor while my right makes a decidedly acute angle with my shin. Naturally, this condition alters my gait and is generally annoying.

I can still climb and descend stairs without trouble and there is no pain associated with this injury so I don't feel like I have to go running (ha!) to the doctor. I do often feel a dull unlocalizable discomfort that starts in my lower left buttock and goes down to my calf area. It hasn't gotten worse in the last few days, but it doesn't seem to be getting better, either.

What did I do to myself?
posted by pmbuko to Health & Fitness (11 answers total)
IANAD, but the "dull unlocalizable discomfort that starts in my lower left buttock and goes down to my calf area" makes it sound like the beginnings of a disc problem.

You don't have to have a significant accident for you to get a bulging or herniated disc. Many of the symptoms you've described are classic once the disc starts to press against the nerve root.
posted by nramsey at 2:51 PM on June 6, 2006

Uh someone who has recently had surgery for a herniated disc, I concur. In fact, some of the symptoms that you have, I tested negative for before the surgery, i.e. you may have it even worse than I did. The docs regularly asked me whether I was able to flex my feet toward my head, and were relieved when I could.

You must see a doctor, probably an orthopedist, and you will probably end up getting an x-ray and/or an MRI, leading to an epidural anaesthetic, and if you're lucky, that will be the end of it.
posted by bingo at 3:36 PM on June 6, 2006


Your comment about not being able to flex your toes points to what might be an Achilles tendon rupture. With individuals who have full Achilles tendon ruptures will experience little to no pain do to the severing of the nerve. If it was a partial tear, you would have a significant amount of pain.

What happens is that Achilles snaps, and the tendon and calf actually roll-up like a window shade. A good easy experiment to see if you have damage in that area, prop your foot up against a wall and force the foot into a gentle stretch, (as if you were stretching your calf) if you feel little or no tension where your Achilles’ would be (almost would feel like fatty or jelly like) that’s pretty much what it is.

The feeling in the upper buttocks could be from overcompensation to help lift the lower half of the foot, and the feeling in the calf is completely inline with a rupture of a tendon.

Were you doing any hiking, or incline climbing while camping? Usually it is one sharp step or movement that can cause the tendon to rupture, similar to an ACL tear but without the pain.

Unfortunately with this type of injury, it requires surgery to reattach the tendon and an extensive rehabilitation processes.

I am interested to hear what comes of your injury, please keep me informed.
posted by lutzla23 at 3:55 PM on June 6, 2006

IAMTAD (I am married to a doctor) and he says someone with those simptoms is probably experiencing problems with a nerve originating in your lower back. I didn't tell him that I was asking him so I could post back to you (yeah..umm malpractice???) but I would listen to those first two posters..and go see someone about it. Get a consult to spine ortho doc. from your family practice person.
posted by FeistyFerret at 4:38 PM on June 6, 2006

ha ha. I meant symptoms. Should have run spell check. Sorry!
posted by FeistyFerret at 4:41 PM on June 6, 2006

Response by poster: lutzla23, it's definitely not my Achilles tendon as I can stand on the toes of my left foot just fine.

Thanks for the responses, all (but yikes!). I feel like I should wait to mark the best answer when I get the results from the doctor appointment I'm about to make.
posted by pmbuko at 5:29 PM on June 6, 2006

Good luck.
posted by lutzla23 at 6:22 PM on June 6, 2006

posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 6:37 PM on June 6, 2006

Response by poster: Since my doctor is closed and I have more info to go on, I've done some more research and found the name for my problem: foot drop.
posted by pmbuko at 8:00 PM on June 6, 2006

Well, that's the name of one of your symptoms, anyway.
posted by bingo at 7:12 AM on June 7, 2006

So what did the doctor say?
posted by bingo at 9:24 PM on June 10, 2006

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