No frills cycling app for iOS
July 31, 2023 5:57 PM   Subscribe

What are the best options for indoor cycling apps on the iPad purely for custom FTP-based interval workouts?

I currently use TrainerRoad on my home bike and like the interface, but I'm planning to spend much of the year doing my own custom FTP-based interval workouts. I'm wondering if there's a cheaper alternative on iOS with a decent interface that allows for creating custom interval workouts or importing them from an app like TrainingPeaks, which I also currently use).

--Must have connectivity with common power pedals, cadence sensors, HR monitors.
--Must be iOS and iPad compatible.
--Must have some kind of reasonable interface to monitor real time data and proximity to target FTP, averaged data over workout/intervals, and progression through work out intervals.
--Must be cheaper than TrainerRoad; ideally much cheaper and not requiring a subscription model.
--Should ideally sync with TrainingPeaks and WKO, or at least be able to export data to these types of apps.
--Don't care about social aspects of training, or having some kind of virtual/video simulation of real world cycling.
--Don't need erg mode functionality.
posted by drpynchon to Health & Fitness (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
You can definitely do this with Zwift (define FTP based internal workouts) but I can't speak to how the pricing stacks up.

Zwift is social and requires a subscription, so maybe not for you, but it's maybe worth a look. I really like it and have for years.

The more I think about it, I don't really think it's for you - it's definitely not no frills. But I already typed this in my phone so here you go.
posted by kbanas at 6:55 PM on July 31, 2023

Are you aware of Flux? It's a progressive web app very similar to Trainer Road that allows you to load specific workouts. Unfortunately it doesn't support iOS very well, but the app page on Github indicates that it might work with WebBLE.

I was using it in the Spring when I didn't want to pay for an entire month of TR, but wanted to ride during bad weather. It was pretty solid, especially for a webapp that doesn't cost anything. Might be worth a shot.
posted by god hates math at 6:50 AM on August 1, 2023

Best answer: Seeking the same thing, I landed on Trainer Day. The developer is very responsive to suggestions. You can use it free, but the subscription is pretty cheap.
posted by adamrice at 9:32 AM on August 1, 2023

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