Transatlantic Song Identification
May 31, 2023 8:28 AM   Subscribe

What song is the band playing in Transatlantic episode 3 ("The Wilderness") during the party, from about 33:10 to 33:50? Here's a recording.

Shazam doesn't recognize it, and I don't speak French and so can't hazard a guess about the lyrics. The tune sounds like that of "Alphabet" by Anna Depenbusch, so I wonder if it's an anachronistic cover or if Depenbusch used an older tune or what.

There are credits for the live band sequence in the episode credits, but it doesn't name any tunes. That particular piece doesn't appear to be on the soundtrack, either, although some of the other songs from the party scene are on it.

The only specific music credit for the episode is "High Society", which seems to be generic 1920s background music.
posted by jedicus to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Can you post a clip of the music you’re trying to ID, or a link to it?
posted by music for skeletons at 8:46 AM on May 31, 2023

Response by poster: Here's a recording.
posted by jedicus at 9:38 AM on May 31, 2023

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