Google WiFi mesh enough or do I need to upgrade?
March 7, 2023 5:12 AM

I just got a new internet connection at 300Mbps. It came with a Linksys Velop mesh router but no additional points. I already have a Google WiFi mesh system, is it sufficient or do I need to buy new points.

This is partially a future proofing question, but at core I just want to know if the Google mesh system has enough throughput for the new connection or if the Linksys one they included and are pitching extra points for is necessary.

Bonus points for the same question if I ever upgrade to the 900mbps service they offer.
posted by knapah to Computers & Internet (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Google Wifi mesh is nominally rated for 1.2 Gbps so your internet connection and not your wifi is still (at least in theory) going to be the bottleneck even at 900 Mbps. In practice the Velop might speed things up a bit because it has a dedicated back haul channel, but I'd say hold on to the Google Wifi for a while and see how it feels. Also my sense is that wifi standards are kind of in flux right now, so waiting a while to buy anything could work out well.
posted by implied_otter at 6:04 AM on March 7, 2023

If you are getting adequate performance now, stick with what you have. When something actually needs to be replaced, the price/performance ratio at that time will be better than it is now. This is a good rule of thumb for all technology purchases: don't upgrade until you need to.
posted by seanmpuckett at 6:05 AM on March 7, 2023

Thanks for the technical detail, implied_otter, and very sensible general advice, seanmpuckett.
posted by knapah at 7:21 AM on March 7, 2023

Preface: I am not saying you should change systems. The Google is probably fine.

BUT... the earlier gen Velop nodes have gotten really cheap on eBay, usually $28-35. We have like eight of them because they got so cheap. So if you do decide to go that route, and you don't mind used, you can probably do so cheaply.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 8:15 AM on March 7, 2023

So if you do decide to go that route, and you don't mind used, you can probably do so cheaply.

Useful to know, thanks.

Just switched the modem connection over to the Google system and it works perfectly, requiring nothing more than moving the ethernet cable so hooray.
posted by knapah at 9:19 AM on March 7, 2023

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