Tips for Twitter threads longer than 25 tweets?
June 23, 2022 4:49 AM   Subscribe

I'm learning to post a really long thread). I read there was a limit of 25 tweets. However, when you reach 25 there's a note saying "you can add more tweets to this thread after sending these." I am having trouble finding a guide to this and wonder how this would work. Will a little + sign show up later to let me add a new thread 25 new posts to an old, published thread?
posted by johngoren to Technology (2 answers total)
Best answer: A thread is a series of replies, one replying to each other. Twitter's UX provides conveniences for this, but ultimately, as long as each new post is in reply to the previous one, you get a thread.

My answer is for the web UI.

That said, it's much less tedious to do it the way you're first, you post the first portion of the thread. Then, if you click the "reply to tweet" button for the final tweet, you'll be taken back to the post UI, and can post a bunch of tweets, and that will be a new thread connected to the old thread. Then you can do this again by replying to the final thread in the new, longer thread.

In the web UI there is also just a box at the bottom of a thread where, if you post via that box, it'll add what you post to the thread. the downside is I don't think you can do more than one post at a time this way, so generally for long threads I do what I described above.
posted by wooh at 7:34 AM on June 23, 2022 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Twitter's UX provides conveniences for this, but ultimately, as long as each new post is in reply to the previous one, you get a thread.

Exactly this. I maintain several year-long threads with things like my reading list, work I've done on Wikipedia etc. All you have to do is keep adding to the last tweet you made.

A word of warning, if you've got a thread that takes place over time, sometimes mobile readers will (or did, I am not sure if this is still the case) see the first tweet in a thread instead of the most recent one when you add to a thread. It's pretty easy to see why this might be good UX, but it can also be counterintuitive. Also if people reply to one tweet in a long thread, it can get a little branch-y and confusing to see replies to individual tweets. If you use Twitter from a desktop, your own view of your own tweet thread will truncate after 30 tweets so you'll have to click "show more" for any tweets past that. Here's one of my longer threads (70-someodd tweets long) if you want to click around and see what it looks like.
posted by jessamyn at 9:09 AM on June 23, 2022 [1 favorite]

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