Looking for a book from a description
September 20, 2020 8:54 PM   Subscribe

I've tried Goodreads for this with no luck, so I thought I'd ask here. I am trying to find a book my wife described, that was used/mentioned in one of her high school classes, so that means the book was published pre-1968. She does not remember the title, or author, just a description. The book presented the early Christians/apostles as great advertising guys, or PR people, or people like that, and Christianity as this great marketing campaign. If anyone has encountered this book and knows what it is, I'd really appreciate hearing from you!
posted by TimHare to Media & Arts (7 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
You can always try Reddit Tip of My Tongue for this type of question
posted by saturdaymornings at 9:01 PM on September 20, 2020

"The Man Nobody Knows", by Bruce Fairchild Barton, might be it.
"Barton describes Jesus as "the world's greatest business executive", and according to one of the chapter headings, "The Founder of Modern Business", who created a world-conquering organization with a group of twelve men hand-picked from the bottom ranks of business"
posted by librosegretti at 9:12 PM on September 20, 2020 [4 favorites]

If you don't get an answer here, try Librarything's Name That Book group. May require you to sign up for an account, but it's free (and doesn't sell your data).
posted by Logophiliac at 9:56 PM on September 20, 2020 [1 favorite]

Whoops, link.
posted by Logophiliac at 9:57 PM on September 20, 2020 [1 favorite]

Yeah, I immediately thought of The Man Nobody Knows.
posted by kevinbelt at 5:02 AM on September 21, 2020

I too think it is The Man Nobody Knows. Here's a .pdf with excerpts from the book, if she'd like to check.
posted by apartment dweller at 9:25 AM on September 21, 2020

Possibly Gore Vidal's "Live from Golgotha"?
posted by Mesaverdian at 11:42 AM on September 22, 2020

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