Wristwatch for intervals training?
August 26, 2020 2:53 AM

What relatively cheap wristwatch (up to around £50, give or take?), available in the UK, allows me to set a walk time and a run time for interval training?

I'm basically looking for a wristwatch version of a Gymboss, where I want that functionality in a wristwatch format rather than as a clip-on device. I've seen watches with repeat countdown timers, but I specifically want the option of having more than one interval.

NOTE: I have no need for any GPS tracking, heart rate monitoring, etc. In fact, I'd actively prefer it not to have it. Additionally, I would prefer if it had a pretty neutral aesthetic, i.e. is neither hyper "masculine" (ultra rugged/pseudo militarised) or hyper "feminine" (bright pink).
posted by knapah to Health & Fitness (8 answers total)
Just in case you haven't seen them, you can get wrist straps suitable for all Gymboss models to wear them as watches - I apologise if that's breaking your clip-on rule.
posted by carbide at 3:55 AM on August 26, 2020

This random site suggests that at least one Timex Ironman model has this feature.

There might be something in the low end of the heart rate monitor market too and you could not wear the transmitter (assuming it has one).
posted by hoyland at 3:58 AM on August 26, 2020

I opened some Ironman manuals at random and it looks like the Ironman Sleek (which was mentioned on that site) may be the only version that does intervals. Unfortunately, Timex doesn't consider this a feature worth advertising, so it seems the only real way to search is to open the manuals and look.
posted by hoyland at 4:06 AM on August 26, 2020

Just in case you haven't seen them, you can get wrist straps suitable for all Gymboss models to wear them as watches - I apologise if that's breaking your clip-on rule.

This is really useful to know. Sub-optimal, and ideally I'd like an actual watch, but definitely an option.
posted by knapah at 5:54 AM on August 26, 2020

If you want different intervals, the Timex Ironman 100 offers that, but it's not that cheap and really fiddly to program. The Ironman 30 will only let you set repeats, so you can set 8/2/8/2... on a 30, but not 8/2/10/2/12/2....
posted by advicepig at 6:12 AM on August 26, 2020

Maybe something like a Casio W756B-1AV would work? £21 shipped. Or the Casio AE-1300WH-2AVDF for £43. I've not seen either watch, rather I have the AE-1300WH-8AVCF which is relatively easy to get in the US. I found setting up the intervals to be fiddley but wouldn't want to adjust them too much.
posted by enfa at 6:14 AM on August 26, 2020

Buy two cheap watches with a timer and put one on each wrist.
posted by kaefer at 7:45 AM on August 26, 2020

I second the AE-1300 recommendation—it’ll do exactly what you want. It’s $20 US on Amazon so I’d imagine it would be relatively inexpensive in the UK as well. 100 meter water resistant, so you can go swimming with it, too.
posted by vitout at 8:22 AM on August 26, 2020

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