recommendations for a flip/clamshell smartphone?
June 5, 2019 7:53 AM   Subscribe

niche smartphone filter: I'm looking for a flip/clamshell smartphone and could use help finding a model!

[why a flip smartphone, and not a regular smartphone or a flip feature phone -
I need a number pad, so it was either a candybar or a flip/clamshell. I prefer the flip/clamshell shape for the sense of privacy when talking. And it has to be a smart-and-not-feature phone, because I need a few apps on the phone]

I use the phone mainly for talking, so good sound, reliability and battery are the main criteria. I don't want an expensive model (so the cutting edge super expensive folding phones are out). Bonus points if it can give phone indications/time when closed.

My searches are pulling up models from 2-4 years ago (the Galaxy Folder 2 and the LG Wine Smart). Am I missing anything more recent or better? Anyone have experience with one of these?

posted by mirileh to Technology (1 answer total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Would something like the Cosmo Communicator be a good fit for you? I have ordered one and currently own the previous version (the Gemini PDA). It has a full keyboard on which I am currently typing. Usually I talk with it closed so it may not have the feeling of privacy while talking that you want. Reliability and battery life are good.
posted by medusa at 4:28 PM on June 5, 2019 [1 favorite]

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