Hunting for the perfect notebook
January 7, 2006 3:50 AM   Subscribe

In the market for a new paper notebook (one for everything). Help me find what I'm looking for.

For years I've had this 8x6 or so black leather portfolio with a magnet closure and pen holder, just the right size to hold a half-sized spiral notebook (by which I mean half the size of standard letter paper). It also has a few pockets inside in which I can stash biz cards and notes.

Lately, I've become obsessed with Moleskines. However, I had a pocket ruled one a few years ago and remember not liking it so much. The cost was a bit prohibitive, but I also thought the lines were way too narrow and it was kind of a pain to write in. (No offense to the MeFite regulars who are apparently die-hard fans).

What I'd like is something along the lines of what I currently have —
1) a nice portfolio or something with a tough outer cover that will last a while but that
2) allows me to interchange the paper inside, preferably in notebook form as opposed to loose-leaf or 3-ring,
3) that also has a few random pockets, a pen holder and some sort of closure so the pages don't get destroyed when it's in my purse, and
4) which lays flat and which is
5) about half the size of the book I currently have. Maybe a bit bigger that the pocket Moleskine or at least the same size with bigger lines.

I remember seeing some Italin line with leather covers and simple, paper notebooks inside that can be interchanged. Ring any bells? Other suggestions also welcome.
posted by Brittanie to Writing & Language (10 answers total)
Levenger's systems look really attractive and functional, but their "junior" is about the same size as what you have now.
posted by SashaPT at 5:32 AM on January 7, 2006

I use the Levenger Circa system for my one notebook, and it's great.
posted by josh at 6:17 AM on January 7, 2006

The Levenger stuff seems to be priced for Donald Trump. Is there anyone who has a similar system at a more reasonable price?

Here's a DIY version, the costs for which give you some idea of the profit margin Levenger is making...
posted by jellicle at 7:30 AM on January 7, 2006

How about a Filofax?
It's 20 bucks, but you can buy the Italian leather version for 95$ if you prefer.
posted by dov at 7:44 AM on January 7, 2006

I 3rd (?) Levenger. My son loves their products. He just received a monogrammed leather folio from them and is very happy with it. (He's an accounting major). I think he also have a couple other various Levenger products that he is very happy with.
posted by 6:1 at 8:14 AM on January 7, 2006

I use some of the Circa stuff also. I got the puncher so I can use whatever paper I like and just re-use the covers. It is pricey though.

I use the Junior for the most part but getting the assortment is a good thing.

Staples had a (presumably) knock off line a few years ago that used the same punching and ring sizes but I can't seem to find it anymore.
posted by HK10036 at 12:01 PM on January 7, 2006

Rollabind makes parts that are interchangable with Levenger's Circa system and has a wider selection of plastic covers and rings. (Though for the fancy stuff, Levenger's the way to go.)

On size, After a year of using Levenger's junior size I switched to 8.5 x 11 because I felt like I spent too much time printing at smaller sizes and cutting paper down to size. Much less time spent on maintenance so far. I love being able to print something off and put it in the relevant section of my notebook.
posted by teddyb109 at 4:05 PM on January 7, 2006

In a situation such as this (or when looking for any kind of specific tool for a specific function), I'm a huge fan of hands-on product testing and custom-building. Go down to your local Office Max/Depot, Staples, etc etc, and poke around. Try out the various Daytimers and the like, and see what you think would work for you. Don't be afraid to mix and match brands, sizes, and intended functions. I've always been happier doing this than with just picking a product off the shelf and trying to adapt to it.
posted by attercoppe at 11:01 PM on January 7, 2006

Best answer: Perhaps the Ciak Journal is the Italian one that you heard about in the past...? Here's more info about it.
posted by allison00 at 7:31 AM on January 9, 2006

Response by poster: Ciak is it. While the other suggestions were good, nothing is as small as I wanted except the Ciak. It's already been ordered!
posted by Brittanie at 5:12 PM on January 10, 2006

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