Martial art instruction in N/NE Dallas area
December 31, 2005 12:36 PM   Subscribe

Have any recs for good adult-oriented martial arts training in the North/Northeast Dallas area? I'm twenty-seven, in reasonably good shape, and have no martial arts experience. I'm looking for good, experienced instructors, not a belt factory. I'm not too concerned about the style being taught, as long as the instruction is good. Thanks!

If I should be more concerend about the style being taught, I'd be open for advice on that also! I'm tall and lanky, if that helps narrow things down...
posted by arathorn to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (3 answers total)
Are you looking for a self-defense course, a fitness regimen or something more relaxed, and though I hesitate to use the word, "spiritual"? What you want out of the martial arts will tell us what kind of martial art might be best for you to try.

I've taken Karate and Tai Chi, and tried to teach myself Five Animals Kung Fu and Ju-Jitsu (without much success). I like Tai Chi the best, and found that because it lacks a belt structure and a competitive element, it's a much better paedogogical environment than any of the others (there's no pressure to learn the three blocks you need to know for yellow belt, or whatever). It's also very good at creating a "flow" state where you're performing at peak capability without feel stressed. That's just my experience though. Sorry, I don't know much about dojos in Dallas.
posted by Pseudoephedrine at 1:15 PM on December 31, 2005

Best answer:

I took here for a few years when I was back in Dallas. It's a northern Shaolin kung fu, and the instruction I received was very good. Definitely not a belt factory. It's in Farmers Branch, and was about a 30 minute commute for me, but well worth it.
posted by still at 4:42 PM on December 31, 2005

For christmas, I earmarked 100 bucks for martial arts training for my boyfriend. He was involved in a mixed martial arts class in Washington state(muay thay, wing-chun, karate, silat, eskrima) and is wanting something more general. We're in Denton. Any open hand, possibly with stick training, type of courses close?
posted by nadawi at 9:31 PM on December 31, 2005

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