Remote to a remote
January 14, 2016 4:19 PM

Can I "easily" log into someones computer from os x 10.11 to os x 10.6.8?

I used to use Logmein free version to occasionally log into a friends computer out of state. I would also use Dropbox to transfer larger files between us.

Now both those options are not supported and I am wondering what options I have to transfer files and remotely control her computer. she is a complete computer neophyte, so whatever I do/install needs to be controlled from my end alone if possible.

I am running OS X 10.11 and she is on OS X 10.6.8?

Is there something for us?
posted by silsurf to Computers & Internet (6 answers total)
posted by katrielalex at 4:27 PM on January 14, 2016

Seconding TeamViewer. Free for personal use, excellent track record, multi-platform. Throw them a few bucks if you end up loving it!
posted by spbb at 4:44 PM on January 14, 2016

Thirding Teamviewer. I use it professionally, and it's really great, works cross-platform, and is, in general, easy as pie-- it also needs no firewall setup if used behind a typical consumer firewall. After installing it on both ends, run the "Unattended Setup" wizard to set a permanent password on the friend's computer. You do not have to create a Teamviewer account, but it can save time later; a TV account will let you save her settings.

The only caveat, which probably doesn't apply in this case, is that keystrokes sent through Teamviewer will be interpreted as though they were typed on the local computer. If your friend and you have different language keyboards, the keys will appear as if you typed on her keyboard. It's more of a PITA when I'm going Windows to Mac or vice versa.

Also, even if you're focused on the Teamviewer window on your Mac, if your mouse pointer moves out of that window, TV stops sending keys to the remote machine.
posted by Sunburnt at 5:07 PM on January 14, 2016

If your looking to just transfer files use SFTP its a CLI tool but works fine for that. You can use SSH for administration. Both come from sshd and are supported in OSX
posted by spiralofconfusion at 5:10 PM on January 14, 2016

posted by silsurf at 6:07 PM on January 14, 2016

VNC is bundled in all versions of OSX.

Assuming the permissions are setup on the remote box to allow remote logins, All you need to do is open Finder on your machine. Under the Go Menu, select Connect to Server. Type in vnc://[remote's ip address] (no brackets) and it should load up and give you the login prompt for the remote machine.
posted by cgg at 8:15 AM on January 15, 2016

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