What should I engrave on this Very Important BFF necklace?
November 3, 2015 6:29 PM   Subscribe

I'm buying a necklace that has five interlocking pieces. I will be gifting four of the pieces (on lovely silver chains) to very close female family members. What should I have engraved on the pieces?

I'm buying this necklace for our tightly-knit family group. We are five females in our twenties and thirties. I'd love for the pieces to represent love and unity, but also express something fun and creative.

Many thanks!
posted by WaspEnterprises to Grab Bag (14 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Our hearts all fit together? (Five is hard without giving someone a word like "the," which is kind of a boring word to get.)
posted by xingcat at 6:39 PM on November 3, 2015 [5 favorites]

I know names are easy but maybe kind of expected.... Do you have fun nicknames that you call each other? That would be cute...
posted by pearlybob at 6:44 PM on November 3, 2015

Best answer: Each piece engraved with all 5 of your first name initials (maybe you're lucky and they make a fun acronym) along with an infinity symbol. This only really works as an idea if you're all tightly knit with one another.
posted by quince at 6:45 PM on November 3, 2015

Never Gonna Give You Up
posted by MeFiMouse at 7:28 PM on November 3, 2015 [10 favorites]

We are happiest when together.
posted by Chocolate Pickle at 7:34 PM on November 3, 2015

Heart symbol, infinity symbol, yin/yang symbol, peace sign, 4 leaf clover

You could also do GPS coordinates for meaningful / important places in your lives
posted by Mchelly at 8:21 PM on November 3, 2015

You are giving them to family members, so apparently family is important. Why not engrave "Family"?
posted by Cranberry at 9:47 PM on November 3, 2015

Family name or shared nickname? Our family would do the matrilineal grandmother's maiden name since that's what the women call ourselves by. My cousins and I might do a riff on "identical cousins" (refrain: they're cooousins, identical cousins) or just print that on each piece. Everyone's names of course would be lovely...

You're probably not going to get the whole thing assembled often, so you want each piece to work on its own. The shape of it makes clear that it's "a piece of" something larger, so it's OK if the text stands on its own (like a name).

Honestly each person's name like in the example you sent is probably my favorite. The other results I see on the page are pretty similar though and have some other cool ideas too.
posted by Lady Li at 11:56 PM on November 3, 2015 [1 favorite]

Best answer: If you don't want to do names, I would be inclined to put the word LOVE on all five of them. That way they are not weird individually ("why does your necklace say 'for' that's kinda random...") but obviously will work when you are all together because they'll interlock.
posted by DarlingBri at 12:05 AM on November 4, 2015

"Love" in five different languages?
Or can you think of a virtue or trait that you would all agree is a characteristic for each of you, that the others appreciate? Strength, peace, joy...
posted by evilmomlady at 4:33 AM on November 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

A circle on each one, representing that there is no beginning or end to how the five of you feel about each other.
posted by feckless fecal fear mongering at 8:28 AM on November 4, 2015

Earth Fire Wind Water Heart.
posted by enfa at 9:18 AM on November 4, 2015

For a more serious spin on enfa's (good!) suggestion, there are more options for five elements on Wikipedia (Ctrl-F "five", heh).

More personal ideas: Is there a board game you used to play as kids that had five of something? An important place you can somehow find five references to? If it were me, I'd wanna find something very specific to you.

Ooor how about doing something that would involve some... game or reciprocity or... something, where the pendants "take turns"? So they all belong to all of you, and they wander around, and each of them stands for something (e.g. if Anna sends the Moon necklace to Betty, Betty has to visit Anna before the next full moon. And of course she now has to send her necklace to someone).
posted by ClarissaWAM at 1:20 PM on November 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Instead of engraving each piece with an individual word or symbol, any chance you can pick one slightly longer message that stretches across the whole piece? (It looked like similar necklaces had that option.) Then everyone would get a fragment of the message, which is better (in my opinion) than sticking one person with something meaningless like "for" or "and" on their section.

I did some Googling for short phrases around love + family, maybe one of these hits the right tone?

Family is being loved no matter what.
This is our happily ever after.
The best things in life aren't things.
Family: Where life begins and love never ends.
Life is short, family is forever.
Forever, for always, and no matter what.
We love, we share, we play, we laugh, we fight, we live.
Life gave me the gift of you.
Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life. (Albert Einstein!)
Love grows best in little houses.
A happy family is but an earlier heaven.
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)
posted by anderjen at 2:58 PM on November 4, 2015

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