Do You Need Grease Silicon Molds When Using Marzipan?
September 11, 2015 1:45 PM

I'd like to make marzipan hearts. I know I have to use the flexible silicone heart molds. I've tried the marzipan in some really small flexible molds and it came out ok, but I'm worried that using a larger shape will distort it if I have to stretch or push the mold too much to get it out. Can I grease the mold or dust it with powdered sugar? Would that also work for molds with more detail?
posted by let444 to Food & Drink (2 answers total)
The consistency of marzipan varies wildly depending on your recipe (and even local humidity.

Using oil is fine; one reason marzipan even makes a paste is because of the oil from the almonds, so adding a little more won't hurt. Using powdered sugar is also fine, there's already plenty in the recipe.

It really depends on what type of surface you want on the finished product. If a dusted surface is the look you're going for or you're expecting a solid-set exterior crust, use sugar (I'd expect the sugar texture could interfere with fine detail). If you want a smooth surface or a softer exterior, use oil. In either case try to spread it as smoothly and thinly as possible, no clumps of sugar, no large droplets of oil. Since you've had some success without anything, I'd just dab some oil on a paper towel and wipe the mold with it. And if it doesn't come out clean, mash it up (with a drop of water if necessary) and try again, the stuff is really just play-dough.
posted by aimedwander at 2:46 PM on September 11, 2015

If the marzipan is getting bent while demolding, maybe you could chill it first, to firm it up a bit. That might work better than adding some kind of mold-release.
posted by aubilenon at 3:15 PM on September 11, 2015

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