How far has the plot of Game of Thrones the show gone beyond SoIaF?
June 10, 2015 6:40 AM

Up to this point, I've been a show-only person, who tries to avoid spoilers, especially big ones. I am considering reading a Song of Ice and Fire --- but I still want to be surprised by the show. Some of the I've read have said that as of now (S05E09) several of the major plotlines in the book have gone well beyond what's in the books, and others have matched their book endings. So can you tell me how many of the main characters still have a lot of stuff left in their book plots? (A fuller explanation below, possibly spoiler sensitive.)

Obviously, if there is a bunch of stuff in the books that's yet to come on the show, please don't mention it in detail. I just want to give a brief rundown of the major threads, as I understand them:

Arya: Should be pretty much caught up by end of this season
Jon: Pretty much caught up by end of the season
Stannis/Davos: Well beyond books by end of season
Sansa: Completely different from/beyond book by end of season
Theon AKA Reek: Pretty much caught up with books by end of season
Bran: Already beyond books as of end of last season
Tyrion: Different from/beyond books as of end of this season
Dany: Pretty much caught up with books as of end of this season

Cersei/Kings Landing: Not sure if there's more book plot here --- I assume we'll get some more of this in the finale, but I dunno if there's a ton left here or a little
Jaime: Different from the books this season, not sure if he has other book plot left
Littlefinger: Not sure.

Greyjoys: I gather there is some unexplored book plot here which we may get to next season?
Dorne: Ditto

So basically what I'm wondering is, am I way off base about any of the above, and are there any other major storylines where there's a lot of plot left to cover? I know the show has trimmed a lot of stuff from the books and deviated from them already in a bunch of ways --- that's actually part of why I'm interested in reading them. But if there's a big development for a major character that we have yet to get to, something on the order of the battle of Blackwater or Tywin's death, I'd like to know before taking the plunge into reading the books so I can opt to skip the last book -- possibly the last two books? --- if I need to.
posted by maggiepolitt to Media & Arts (8 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Kind of depends on what Benioff and Weiss decide to put in/leave out. There's one plot line introduced relatively early in the books that some are guessing (if it's not dropped, which is most likely) they're holding onto for a big surprise reveal.

People assume that Arya and Jon will be caught up by next week's episode; I think so too, but it's hard to say.

Bran is not past the page, but I don't think there are any big reveals in his book material after finding the three-eyed crow, just hints. And there are other hints in the book toward things unsaid, secrets, or prophecies that are probably going to be big reveals in coming seasons.

I'd say that other than the first thing (again, likely not in show), you're probably fine on big reveals after next week's episode, if things play out as expected.

If Winds of Winter comes out, all bets are off.
posted by supercres at 6:53 AM on June 10, 2015

There was a whole lot of stuff around the Greyjoys which has, so far, been completely left out of the series. Ditto for a bunch of stuff in and around Dorne (and eventually Mereen).

They were interesting for sure, but I'm not sure how essential they are to the main arcs that you've outlined above. Mrs Q and I both expect next weeks finale to end on the same cliffhangers (more or less) as the end of book 5.

I started the book series with Book 3 right after season 3 ended - Mrs Q told me that much of the action continued past that point and I just couldn't wait to see what came next, so I dove into the book at about the point the show stopped, finished book 3 and then plowed through books 4 and 5. Still very much enjoying the show - reading the books really hasn't affected that all, especially with all of the deviations and differences.
posted by jquinby at 7:02 AM on June 10, 2015

Arya: the incident that's going on now is more related to an event in The Winds of Winter, which hasn't been published yet. (GRRM put up a sample chapter.) So she's already beyond the books. I think they skipped a number of things.
Jon: I will be shocked if they're not caught up by the final episode.
Stannis/Davos: We seem to be beyond the books, although there's one thing that hasn't happened yet - but I think they're either skipping or reworking it, because it should have happened an episode ago.
Sansa: It's a whole new story and there's no way they can put her back in her old one.
Theon: Caught up with the books, I would say. There's one thing they skipped but I don't see them going back to it.
Bran: Actually, there's one chapter left and there is some indication from casting that they may do it next season.
Tyrion: Already beyond the books.
Dany: There's one chapter left, which may be in this or they may hold for next season. It is not earth-shattering.
Cersei: 100% sure they will be caught up next episode.
Jaime: They've entirely changed his plot from the books. They actually started changing it in season...3? It was their first big divergence from the book. I doubt they're going to put his plot from the books into next season. Kind of a shame - there's some great moments there.
Littlefinger: His plot has changed.
Greyjoys: There's a ton of chapters on them and I think we're going to get very little of it in the show. Like, almost none.
Dorne: Do you remember the condensed versions of classic novels for kids that they used to sell, where they were about 100 pages long and 50% of the pages were pictures? That's what they've done with the Dorne plotline. I think you're safe there.

Basically, by the time you hit books 4 and 5 the changes are so substantial that they're going to surprise you anyway. At this point we are all Unsullied.
posted by rednikki at 7:23 AM on June 10, 2015

That's a pretty great overview, I might read a book!
posted by Iteki at 7:42 AM on June 10, 2015

There are some plotlines that have been skipped, and not sure whether they are being cut all together or will come back in at some point. One is with Sam -- in the books, it feels important to me, so maybe they will add it in at some point? And, another with a character I won't mention because revealing the character would give away the plot point -- suffice it to say that the plot point is big and awesome and I really hope they don't cut it from the show, but so far we've gotten no glimpses of it.
posted by rainbowbrite at 7:47 AM on June 10, 2015

We can't really answer this accurately until after the season finale airs.
posted by Jacqueline at 8:36 AM on June 10, 2015

Obviously, if there is a bunch of stuff in the books that's yet to come on the show, please don't mention it in detail. I just want to give a brief rundown of the major threads, as I understand them:

Arya: Should be pretty much caught up by end of this season
Jon: Pretty much caught up by end of the season

These are speculations - they could, but I don't know if they will.

Stannis/Davos: Well beyond books by end of season
Sansa: Completely different from/beyond book by end of season


Theon AKA Reek: Pretty much caught up with books by end of season
Bran: Already beyond books as of end of last season

Maaaaaybe. I think it'd be hard to catch Theon's plot all the way up in the finale. Bran - not quite, but there's nothing to spoil.

Tyrion: Different from/beyond books as of end of this season


Dany: Pretty much caught up with books as of end of this season

Sort of? I mean maybe? If we have left a character completely out, yes, but if they plan to introduce him later, no?

Cersei/Kings Landing: Not sure if there's more book plot here --- I assume we'll get some more of this in the finale, but I dunno if there's a ton left here or a little

There's a lot of KL stuff, but most of it is political that I think they're just not showing us because they simplify that.

Jaime: Different from the books this season, not sure if he has other book plot left
Littlefinger: Not sure.

These two are so different I have no fucking clue.

Greyjoys: I gather there is some unexplored book plot here which we may get to next season?
Dorne: Ditto

Yes to both - a lot.
posted by corb at 10:53 AM on June 10, 2015

Well, the good news is that the show is a lot more likely to spoiler the books than the other way around. Several major plot points have happened in the show that have only been hinted at/foreshadowed in the books, although they will likely go down very differently. Looking at where the major characters are:

Bran is probably the only one who is further ahead in the books than in the show, although nothing significant happens after he gets to the cave.

Arya is both ahead of and behind schedule. There doesn't seem to be enough time left for her character to go through everything she does in the books but they've already introduced elements that happen much later, from as far as the yet to be published The Winds of Winter. Her book plot line may contain small spoilers for season 6.

Show Tyrion is further ahead in the plot than book Tyrion, although there have been some big diversions. There's a major plot line that starts in his chapters that has yet to happen in the show, if at all. It's looking more and more likely that the show has completely cut out this story line but if not there is a big spoiler in his chapters.

Jon, Dany, Cersei, and Theon all appear to be set to catch up to their book counterparts, although the routes they took to get there are pretty different. Nothing too spoilery, though.

Show Stannis will be slightly ahead of book Stannis if the battle for Winterfell happens next episode. Davos and Sam are both off doing their own things in the books. It's hard to say whether the show versions will catch up to the books or if they will give them completely different stories but either way the books will not spoil anything major.

Sansa, Littlefinger, Jaime, and Brienne all have completely different stories than their book counterparts this season.

The Dorne storyline has been changed so drastically that it's hard to tell where they're going with it. With so many characters and major events missing from the show it doesn't seem like it will follow the books enough for them to spoiler future seasons. It's likely that the Greyjoy plot line will also take huge detours from the book storyline.
posted by fox problems at 6:03 PM on June 10, 2015

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