Recommendation for a computer systems/networking engineer in London?
January 13, 2015 5:15 AM   Subscribe

Help me find someone we can call in to troubleshoot our network problems.

I work for a small company based in London. Our office there has a fairly basic IT setup - a LAN with a NAS that we can access externally, an ADSL router providing Internet access (wired and wireless), plus some other bits and pieces.

It doesn't sound like there's much to go wrong, but a few times a year something does go wrong, and it's always a bigger deal that it should be because there's nobody at the office with the skills to fix it. I'm some distance away and besides, it's not really my forte.

So I guess what we need is someone we can call, who can come in that day, troubleshoot the latest issue quickly and efficiently, and who knows networks and ports and protocols and all that malarkey inside out.

Where do I find such a person? Bonus points for a specific recommendation!
posted by pipeski to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
The best thing to do is hire a company to handle it. You pay them by the hour, basically. The advantage of hiring a company instead of an individual is you can get an SLA and they'll have records in their ticketing system when you call, and they can send out whoever is available, and they don't depend on one guy knowing everything. They might have a network guy and a voip guy and a windows guy and just send whoever you need for your particular problem.

Just do a search for "London IT Support" on google, and that'll turn up lots of options. It's more expensive to do it this way than to just pay a guy to come in whenever you need help, but it's a lot more reliable.
posted by empath at 6:54 AM on January 13, 2015

Also, a lot of business ISP's offer these kinds of services which can be kind of convenient because you have one company who controls everything and you don't get finger pointing between your network guy and your ISP and so on, but you pay a pretty hefty premium to have them do it.
posted by empath at 6:56 AM on January 13, 2015

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