Humorous mashup of aerobics show and electronica
November 4, 2014 8:58 AM   Subscribe

Been trying to re-find this video all morning. It's a mashup of some morning aerobics show (possibly British) featuring one lady and two dudes. She's obviously the lead/instructor.

The setting feels very late 1980s TV studio. Quite likely someone has done some serious editing and there is definitely a feel that the video is playing at a slightly higher speed than "real-time". IIRC, she's in a powder blue leotard and the dudes are in tights of some sort and I'm almost positive at least some of them are wearing leg warmers. I thought I recalled reading the dudes were notable dancers on some (London?) club scene but that could be conflating this with the origins of Milli Vanilli.

The music is nice, bouncy electronica. It's not what I'd call clubby or techno. I want to say instrumental Orb or the peppier side of Orbital but those search terms didn't help when YouTubing. Maybe even like some of Aphex Twin's more melodic efforts.

The mashup of the aerobics choreography and the music is stellar. The "faster than real-time but just so" of the video only enhances the the whole effect. All in all I recall this video being about four to six minutes long. I imagine I first saw this many years ago and it was my brother-in-law's Facebook post this morning mocking 80s aerobics wear that put this in mind for the first time in years. I so very want to post this video as a comment.

Hope me, Hive Mind!
posted by Fezboy! to Media & Arts (6 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: You're probably thinking of this aerobics edit video, or possibly the one with an Autechre soundtrack. Although first I was hoping you were asking about this groovy Autechre dance video.
posted by Nelson at 9:03 AM on November 4, 2014 [4 favorites]

Response by poster: #2. And I love #3. Awesome! And many thanks!
posted by Fezboy! at 9:06 AM on November 4, 2014

I know this isn't specifically the video, but here's another 1980s aerobics mashup with electronic music that I enjoy: Pump It.
posted by magdalemon at 9:11 AM on November 4, 2014 [1 favorite]

More stuff in that vein here.
posted by a lungful of dragon at 9:56 AM on November 4, 2014 [1 favorite]

(possibly British) featuring one lady and two dudes.

Ah. Mad Lizzie.

And The London Boys.

I suggest the original is no less surreal - nor fasterer - than the mashup.

Fantastic. What a good show.
posted by glasseyes at 6:47 PM on November 4, 2014 [1 favorite]

O MY GOD I did not know that! Tragedy D-:
posted by glasseyes at 6:58 PM on November 4, 2014

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