Bootstrapping Music Projects - What Tools are Out There?
September 26, 2014 9:22 PM

Are there any other softwares similar to Hooktheory's Hookpad?

Hookpad is soooo close to the tool I've wanted in my creative chain for a long time. It's essentially a way to quickly build up the scaffolding of a song: timing, chord structure, etc...and it even does it in a visual format that is almost identical to what I've always wanted! It's really, really, cool.

The only problem? To get all the features, you have to subscribe.

I'm just about ready to hit that subscribe button, but I would love to compare any alternatives. I just can't find any. Are there any similar tools to this?

If you can't look at the link, here's a description of the important features:
1. Lays out a song's basic parts
2. With quick chord options/lengths/timings
4. And a very very very basic melodic line
5. Exports to generic MIDI for use in other files

Having a tool like this would enable me to quickly start up a file in my DAW (Logic or StudioOne) and start focusing on arrangement and instrumentation.

I've done similar things using Omnigraffle, Excel, even just a pen and paper. The thing I really like about this is the MIDI export an the quick access to real, actual chord symbols.

I'm open to any and all tools, even other ones that cost more (actually I would gladly pay a large single sum than sign up for a damn subscription).
posted by Doleful Creature to Computers & Internet (1 answer total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
YES! Band in a Box:

I love this program.
posted by hz37 at 11:55 AM on October 15, 2014

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