What's the Fairmount section of Philly near Broad like?
June 3, 2014 5:48 PM   Subscribe

My daughter is headed to Temple and has found an apartment near 15th and Fairmount in Philadelphia. What's it like in that area?

My daughter is headed to Temple and has found an apartment near 15th and Fairmount in Philadelphia. While we've lived near Philly for awhile, I'm not from center city and am not familiar with that neighborhood. Looks nice and lively and walkable on Streetview. She saw it and likes it but there's competition for the apartment and wants to commit ASAP. She's a bright woman and I trust her judgement, but she's not a city kid. Chances of me getting there tonight to lay eyes on it are slim.

So, anyone know what it's like around that spot? Both good and bad, but safety is a concern. She's in her twenties and will be living with a fellow med student. Looks like a block walk to the Broad Street line. That's cool. But how about coming back from the city at night?

Any light about anything about living there would be greatly appreciated. I'm concerned that I don't know what I don't know. Thanks.
posted by lpsguy to Grab Bag (9 answers total)
15th and and Fairmount isn't quite the part of Fairmount that is gentrified and yuppified (lots of restaurants, cafes, and shops), but it's near there (about 5 blocks). (Note- Philly neighborhoods can change drastically block by block) 15th and Fairmount is in the process of gentrifying with some students and younger people- it was quite different 10 and then 20 years ago.

As a native of Philly, I find that area to be fine. It's a short walk to center city and city hall. I'm sure she'll be fine if she takes basic precautions. That said, I can see someone who is not familiar with cities being a tad scared or needing to get used to it.
posted by bearette at 6:39 PM on June 3, 2014 [2 favorites]

The colloquial nickname for that neighborhood is "Eraserhood", which might make it more easily googleable. But things are decidedly less Lynchian these days.

It's a fine area (and getting better) if she's used to a city. General "be smart" rules-- no headphones or talking on the phone at night.
posted by supercres at 6:56 PM on June 3, 2014

Ok, so maybe it's a little north of Eraserhood. But not terribly different, in my experience.
posted by supercres at 7:02 PM on June 3, 2014

Seconding Philly blocks change neighborhoods quickly, but it is fairly obvious when you cross over into a not so nice area. 15th and Fairmount is fine but be city smart and aware of your surroundings etc etc. frankly that's true of any area of Philly. My hair salon was on 17th and Fairmount and I never felt unsafe going there as late 20s female by myself ( for whatever datapoint that's worth).

There's an awesome sushi place (admittedly in callowhill which is about a mile or so away) that does delivery that she should try called Doma if she takes the apartment.
posted by Suffocating Kitty at 7:10 PM on June 3, 2014

One of my friends lived in that area up until about a year ago, and he suggests being careful above Ridge Ave, that on Fairmount might be ok, and that it is still a little sketchy at Broad St w/ the Divine Lorraine still being empty.
posted by tangaroo at 7:27 PM on June 3, 2014

Best answer: I just moved from a little north of here. She should be fine using normal city "be smart" rules. She'll be right on top of the subway, which will be super convenient for getting to school and going to fun events in Center City or South Philly.

The only thing I'd take into consideration is that there's no major grocery store within easy walking distance of that area; I'd look into getting a bike for grocery shopping and other short trips.
posted by ActionPopulated at 6:21 AM on June 4, 2014

Best answer: A good friend of mine just moved from an apartment at that exact intersection. It's relatively safe and close to the broad street line, though he often took cabs (of which there are plenty). I (female, early 30s) never felt particularly unsafe walking from/to his apartment. Whole Foods is not a considerable distance away if one has a bike and/or uses car share or zipcar. Fairmount is pretty lively from 15th to the Art Museum. Lots of coffee shops (Mugshots, OCF), bars (Jack's Firehouse, London Grill) and various restaurants. The majority of these start around 18th/20th and Fairmount. There are street fairs in the summer, Bastille Day at Eastern State Penitentiary and the Made in America concert in July, and Terror Behind the Walls at ESP in the Fall. I mention these because a) they are fun, but b) these events tend to shut down Fairmount Ave or make it nearly impossible to find parking.
posted by picklesthezombie at 7:45 AM on June 4, 2014

Response by poster: Thanks, gang. This really helped.
posted by lpsguy at 8:28 AM on June 6, 2014

Best answer: My friend just moved into an apartment building at that intersection. I'm a woman whose lived in that general area for about 7 years. I can speak to walking south from there and driving north (towards temple) from there. I've been to my friends place a few times at all hours of the evening and take my car to the auto body shop on that corner. I like the area and find it to be safe...of course using regular city alertness.
posted by PeaPod at 4:21 PM on June 6, 2014

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