Looking for a subway map of NYC with neighborhood boundaries
May 28, 2014 12:59 PM   Subscribe

I have been looking for a while for a particular kind of map of New york City for my office wall. Ideally it would show the neighborhood boundaries like this AND the subway lines like this. For various reasons I am not looking for an interactive or computer-based tool. I need a hard copy map (though I would be happy to print my own if there was a digital version I could license). Plenty of subway maps, and a few neighborhood maps, but I haven't been able to find them both on one map.
posted by brbmaroon to Technology (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I don't think they make this, but I think you should be able to make your own with the help of photoshop. I'm not a photoshop expert, but I believe you can take one of the maps and make it transparent. Then you can transpose the image onto the first map to create the combination of the two on one map.
posted by olivetree at 1:13 AM on May 29, 2014

I bought a really cool, very large one of these from a guy selling maps at the Brooklyn Flea.
posted by BusyBusyBusy at 5:29 AM on May 29, 2014

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