How do I choose a cosmetic surgeon in the UK?
April 27, 2014 8:54 AM   Subscribe

After much thought, I'm going to take the plunge and get a rhinoplasty. But I have no idea how to go about choosing a surgeon. I'm in the UK, and I've read this previous question, so will be looking at a member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. However, there are a lot of them, and I have no idea how to choose between them. If it makes a difference, I'm thinking of probably going down to London to get this done (I've friends down there I could stay with for the initial recovery). I don't know anyone who has had cosmetic surgery (not even friends of friends) so have no way of getting any personal recommendations.
posted by Vortisaur to Health & Fitness (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I work as a nurse in a plastic surgery practice, although in the US, but this advice isn't really country specific. My biggest recommendation is to find a facial plastic surgeon, not a general plastic surgeon. I work at a two surgeon practice, where one doctor is body focused and one is face focused. You want someone who does noses all the time, not just a whole bunch of breast augmentations and then a nose thrown in here or there. Also, meet several surgeons. Find someone you really click with. DO NOT base your decision on price. The one with the lowest price is usually the lowest price for a reason. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. Good luck!
posted by fresh-rn at 10:11 AM on April 27, 2014 [1 favorite]

I believe you can start this process by going to your NHS GP, even if you're planning to go private - they will give you a referral to a private clinic.

That way you'd probably be getting a referral to somewhere your GP is aware is reasonably respectable.

I guess that might not work if you're planning to have the operation elsewhere in the country, though.
posted by penguin pie at 10:27 AM on April 27, 2014

My suggestion--as someone who had a septoplasty and a whole bunch of nose/sinus surgery done--see an ear nose and throat specialist. Many will do cosmetic rhinoplasty.

One of my surgeons told me that he had done several surgeries for patients who had gone to other surgeons for a cosmetic rhinoplasty and ended up with nose and sinus issues requiring further surgeries.

I'm in the US, but I imagine this is still applicable.
posted by inertia at 11:34 AM on April 28, 2014

I don't agree with the ENT suggestion. The facial plastic surgeon I work for was an ENT, and then furthered his education to become a facial plastic surgeon. An ENT is not a plastic surgeon. If you see a qualified plastic surgeon, you should not have issues down the road. Just my two cents.
posted by fresh-rn at 1:31 PM on April 28, 2014

fresh-rn, you make a good point. Now that I think about it, my ENT works with a group of physicians, one of whom is a facial plastic surgeon.
posted by inertia at 10:19 AM on April 29, 2014

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