Alexander Certification
April 19, 2014 8:15 PM

Posting a question for the SO. If a person in the United States wanted to get certified for teaching Alexander Technique, which certifying body should they take classes with - Alexander Technique International or the American Society of Alexander Technique? What are the differences? Which would be more "legit" or accepted for a theatre professor in the US?
posted by chainsofreedom to Education (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
AmSAT is the more "legit" of the two in that its training course standards are closer to the original (3 years, 1600 hours, no weekend courses). It would be much easier for an AmSAT teacher to join ATI than vice versa. That said, there are many amazing teachers in ATI, and 1600 hours in an AmSAT training doesn't guarantee a good teacher. I don't know if it would make a difference for a theater professor.

PM me if your SO would like to talk more.
posted by nixt at 12:35 AM on April 20, 2014

There is an Alexander teacher sitting next to me - he says ATI is more theatre friendly and open minded.
posted by Mistress at 6:32 AM on April 20, 2014

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