Where's my shirt?
April 19, 2014 12:12 PM   Subscribe

Please hope me find a replacement for my favorite rugby shirt.

This is the bestest rugby shirt I ever had. I've worn my old friend for almost 10 years. I got it at the Gap. It's the perfect shirt for cool mornings and evenings. Sadly, the years have caught-up with it and it's beginning to look pretty shabby at the seams. Still great for around the house, but too shabby otherwise.

I've been trying to find an acceptable replacement, but keep coming-up empty. Gap, of course, no longer sells anything like it. So, I thought I'd turn to my fellow MeFites for help.

Here's what I love about this shirt...
• Nice, soft semi-heavyweight all-cotton jersey material.
• The blue stripes are dyed, sewn-in panels of the same material. Not screen-printed.
• Full cut, not trim or tapered.
• Collar is the usual material, but left soft, not stiff and pressed.
• No logo or faux club crest.
• Rubber buttons (of course)

My hunt brings-up the same variation on a theme...trim-cut, bumble bee stripes, starched collar, with a logo. I'm okay with no stripe, if I had to, but the current fashion seems to be multiple stripes down the entire shirt. Men with handles do not wear full-body stripes. At least, this one doesn't.

I'll admit this is probably going to be a fruitless search, but search I must.
Many thanks!
posted by Thorzdad to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (5 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Barbarian! Classic, indestructible.
posted by kmennie at 12:21 PM on April 19, 2014 [2 favorites]

M&S will deliver to the USA for free over £30, which these all are. Nothing with a single stripe but one plain and one with limited stripes.

You're looking for sewn stripe rugby shirts by the way.
posted by biffa at 1:45 PM on April 19, 2014

I actually own a couple of Gap rugby shirts of the style you're describing. Yes, they're great. Sorry, I do need to keep them.

You're right, no logo and no multiple stripes is tough to find. Here's a cheapish Nautica rugby shirt with a small standard Nautica boat logo, no stripes.

I have a Canterbury of NZ rugby shirt that I really like. It's sewn stripes all the way down, though, instead of just one stripe, which you might not want. Some of their items like this one have no stripes and a modest kiwi logo. C of NZ stuff turns up at Nordstroms/Nordstroms Rack from time to time.
posted by gimonca at 2:10 PM on April 19, 2014

Keep an eye on Ebay.
posted by humph at 2:28 PM on April 19, 2014

back when they were highly fashionable, everyone 'round RI wore local company Rugged Wear. They still exist (who knew?) Looks like they will make what you want too. rugged wear.com
posted by Saddy Dumpington at 6:20 AM on April 20, 2014

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