Can You Help Find the Missing Pieces in These Playlists?
February 25, 2014 1:47 PM

I know there are songs I want on these playlists that I'm not remembering, and I'm constantly aware that I have blind spots that may be robbing me of perfect songs. Can you help me attack either issue by looking over one or both playlists then suggesting songs to add?

I have two playlists I've been cultivating to help me with specific modalities. They need more songs that fit the goals of each.

Heartstrings - this one is for getting into heightened emotional space that varies in focus (crush through heartbreak and most of the spots in between). It has a LOT of songs in it, but it can honestly be three times as long and still be valuable to me.

MOVE, MOVE, MOVE! - this one is to inspire me to feel more invested and empowered by movement. This one is very much just a sketch right now, mostly with placeholders to remind me of directions to go in, but I think I'm getting overwhelmed when I think of all of the potential songs that need to be on there. So many!

I like things from just about any genre, as you can see, but this is part of what's making me feel crushed by the vast potential. Not every song will be a fit, since it has to feel right to me, but even off-base suggestions can help me get on the right tangent, and that would be a big help.
posted by batmonkey to Media & Arts (5 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite

One Republic - All this time
Ed Shereen - Lego House
Florence and the machine - Cosmic Love

Move Move Move
Chris Brown - I can transform Ya
Metro Station - Shake It
Neon Trees - Animals
Florence and the machine - shake it out
posted by okieangel at 7:15 AM on February 26, 2014

Room 641-A: Added "As Long As I Have You" to Heartstrings. It reminded me that I forgot to add "Dirty King" by The Cliks, so it was a two-fer! Added "I Feel Fantastic" to MMM!

chazlarson: "Dragula" reminded me that I totally needed "Living Dead Girl" on MMM!, and "Mr. Blue Sky" reminded me that I needed "Don't Bring Me Down" on there, too, along with Yello's "Oh Yeah"!

okieangel: "Lego House" video is superbly funny - hadn't seen it before, and grateful just for that. Need to listen a few more times to see if it will go on Heartstrings (or a new list of things I just plain like). "Shake it Out" is now on MMM!
posted by batmonkey at 9:50 AM on February 26, 2014

This just came up on shuffle and I can't believe I didn't include it before.

One of the most beautiful love songs I've heard; this used to be a centerpiece on my "Make Chaz Cry" playlist:
Tom Waits - Kentucky Avenue

I've heard this song hundreds if not thousands of times, and I'm still tearing up right around "...take the spokes from your wheelchair..."
posted by chazlarson at 11:40 AM on March 14, 2014

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