Help me learn to get the most out of ReverbNation and its moods
March 9, 2013 1:06 PM

Why would our Reverb Nation ranking drop a very lot in a very short amount of time? How does it work in general? What can I use to ensure our ranking best reflects our fan count or fan base on other sites - That's sort of the purpose of the band equity, I think, which - could someone explain it to me? What does it value?

I have read the Reverb Nation site's explanation of band equity. Our ranking stayed very high for months and then dropped quite a bit, very much overnight. It was not concurrent with gigs or lack thereof, uploads or lack thereof, and our fans on Facebook and all of the other connected networks (Twitter, etc, etc, etc.) are actually rising as this is happening. Our understanding was that Reverb Nation relies primarily upon counting fans from other networks and views from youtube and all things that have been getting better for us. Someone please help? We don't want promoters to see that we went from #1 to #40 - only a minor exaggeration - overnight. Or to even be #40 after so long of consistently doing well. If anyone can explain how the stats are actually factored in and what we could do as a band to raise and maintain this number, why the number dropped and is not reflecting increasing success on other social networks, or any other helpful tips about ReverbNation or social networking a band in general, we would be very appreciative as a band. Thank you.
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