Toolchain for Mefi to Kindle
February 1, 2013 4:12 AM

What is the killer solution for getting mefi threads, including comments, onto a plain wifi Kindle.

I am primarily interested in solutions that work well with only an iPhone and kindle on hand, but other ways will be useful later. I have tried klipme, pocket and readibility so far. I would rather not authorize my main iPhone mail adress to send to kindle as I am trying to keep my kindle more associated to my nick. Otherwise I suspect mailing from SafariReader is the simplest chain. I would like this to work in as "one click" a way as possible, the thread should go to kindle straight away, not later in the day as a digest etc. If there are solutions that strip extraneous stuff like the favourite links or do decent formatting that would be cherry on top.

Tldr: I have 20 mins of Internet per day, get me mefi from my iPhone to my (physical) Kindle.
posted by Iteki to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Hey, since this is Mefi specific, it needs to go in Metatalk; you can just go ahead and repost the same thing there. Thanks. -- taz

Html is close to epub so that will be your first step.
posted by Obscure Reference at 4:32 AM on February 1, 2013

The "send to kindle" extension in Chrome works perfectly, nice horizontal rules between comments, all formatting nice. Just tested it.
posted by stupidsexyFlanders at 4:55 AM on February 1, 2013

Personally I use Instapaper (which I think is like readibility) but to get something right away isn't one click. (it works for me though) seems to do what you want. (haven't used it but ran across it a few days ago)
posted by Spumante at 4:59 AM on February 1, 2013

Stupidsexyflanders: if you could post the JavaScript of the klipme bookmarklet I could try adding it manually in Safari, I couldn't get it to "grab" from their site, and Chrome for iOS doesn't support extensions.
posted by Iteki at 5:02 AM on February 1, 2013

The add-ons I've used in Chrome to send webpages to my Kindle is the aforementioned, Amazon's own "Send to Kindle" and Readability. Readability is my favorite for articles and stuff, but it doesn't seem to be able to handle MeFi comments.
posted by gkhan at 5:03 AM on February 1, 2013

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