Locations on the York Monopoly board?
October 8, 2012 6:01 AM

What are the locations on the York, England version of Monopoly?

I want to organise a real-life Monopoly game in York this weekend.

I've done them in London, which is easy enough because of the canonical locations. But, while I know there *is* a York-specific version of the game, I can't find a listing of the locations on the York board anywhere online. I don't want to buy a board to check them!

Where can I find a list of the colours, prices and locations for York to help make my weekend awesome?
posted by citands to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (3 answers total)
I'm afraid this large image on Flickr is the best I could do, along with some text info here.
posted by Magnakai at 7:45 AM on October 8, 2012

A little bit more text info. I can't believe how hard it is to find this information.
posted by unliteral at 5:42 PM on October 8, 2012

As fars as I can see from the picture there's:

Treasure's House
The Merchant Adventurers Hall
Monk Bar
National Railway Museum(?)
York Castle Museum
Yorkshire Museum and Gardens

and then I can't make it out until the "home leg" back towards go

Coppergate Centre
Bootham Bar
The Shambles
York Minster
posted by hardcode at 7:49 AM on October 9, 2012

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