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September 18, 2012 6:38 AM   Subscribe

I'm looking for a doctor in Toronto. Does anyone have one they can recommend?

I've decided it's finally time to have a doctor here in Toronto. I haven't had a family doctor since I was a kid, so I have no consistent records or anything, and the walk-ins I go to suggest this may not be the best idea.

But I can't find one! None of my friends have doctors, and none of my coworkers have doctors who are accepting new patients.

Must haves:
- On the subway line. Ideally Yonge-University-Spadina.
- Speaks English fluently (I am embarrassed to admit that I do not understand accents very well. I know that this is a personal failing. But I do feel that I need to understand my doctor perfectly).
- Accepting new patients.

- Lady doctor
- Online appointment system, or appointments-by-email. I'm not really into the phone.
posted by AmandaA to Health & Fitness (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
When I was (very recently) looking for a doctor in Toronto the only success I had was going to our local community health centre (Four Villages Community Health Centre) and putting myself on a waiting list. It took about three months, but the finally called and had an opening for myself and my partner.

They don't have an online appointment system and we ended up with a female doctor solely by coincidence (and she is absolutely fantastic!). Like you, I would have preferred an online appointment system, but I figured I wasn't really in a position to be picky about it.

You could also try signing up for Health Care Connect. I have a friend who did this and I believe she's been on the waiting list for over a year.

Good luck!
posted by postpostpostscript at 7:14 AM on September 18, 2012

In my recent search for a doctor for a family member, a few people recommended doctors at http://www.albanyclinic.ca/. Pretty short wait for a doctor, they had female doctors accepting new patients, and if you ever need a specialist they have a laaarge number of them right in the building. Bloor/Danforth line, but pretty easy to get to.
posted by avidreader at 5:11 PM on September 18, 2012

You can try using healthaware.ca to find a doc, then use ratemds.com to look up reviews.
posted by foxjacket at 6:50 PM on September 18, 2012

FYI: I also really really need a doctor, and have basically the same problems finding one and the same requirements. So thank you, AmandaA, for asking this!! I'll be watching this thread!
posted by Kololo at 7:42 PM on September 18, 2012

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