Blackberry/iPhone sim compatibility
August 27, 2012 4:47 PM

Can I put my iPhone 4 AT&T sim card in an AT&T Blackberry Curve 8310 and still send and receive calls and SMS messages without accruing additional fees or contract extensions?

My iPhone 4 died recently, due to a disappointing hot tub experience. While I wait until I buy a new iPhone 5, I'm looking to use another phone to make and receive phone calls and SMS messages. A friend gave me her old Blackberry. I don't want to change my plan if possible. Possible?
posted by billtron to Technology (2 answers total)
One thing that jumps to mind is that iPhone 4 uses a MicroSIM and it looks like the Blackberry Curve 8310 uses a full sized SIM. But apparently you can get an adaptor.
posted by sbutler at 5:45 PM on August 27, 2012

You didn't exactly ask, but your Blackberry email and data connection probable won't work either - Blackberry's a '$pecial' data plan to work, thanks RIM!
posted by Long Way To Go at 6:00 PM on August 27, 2012

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