How is it that nasty people get ahead in this life.
April 2, 2012 10:50 PM

How is it that she gets away with being such a bitch?

I know someone that has the ability to make her employees go on stress leave for months and yet persistently gets away with bullying and lying. Even when caught with her hands in the cookie jar she comes off clean as a whistle. I have been waiting for years for her to hang herself with the yards of rope she seems to have generated through her lies and deception. But it never happens. How can this be so? How can the boss not see this cunning behaviour? I'm not a scrapper at work. I concentrate on doing my best - I remind myself of the values that I have set for myself of: honesty, integrity and credibility and do my best to follow a path and be mindful. I don't concentrate on her path because it's not a journey I want to take. She's been caught out by writing very nasty emails/correspondence and copying the boss but gets away with this. Many people see her deceiving nature but stay out of her way so they don't get burned. She has managed to take credit for work done by others and some how always gets her way. Do people like this ever take a fall? I don't want to enter into a battle, I just want her to leave me alone. How can I achieve this when we work in a small organization?
posted by YukonQuirm to Work & Money (1 answer total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: This is pretty single-situation specific for a situation/person we know nothing about, plus opening with an offensive slur is kind of a non-starter. Maybe repost this question in a way that is more answerable. (Contact us if you need more info.) -- taz

Find another job - if you're watching this behaviour for years and there's been no satisfactory change or resolution, then you need a happier environment.
posted by honey-barbara at 11:00 PM on April 2, 2012

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