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July 13, 2005 4:27 AM   Subscribe

Best way to shave girly parts without razor burn?

I'm looking for any tips or suggestions as to how I can shave the bikini area without causing those horrid red bumps? Any tips, tricks, or brand suggestions? It's driving me nuts.
posted by Kellydamnit to Health & Fitness (23 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
Brazilian wax.
posted by pracowity at 4:33 AM on July 13, 2005

A former girlfriend used tea tree oil soap and a men's Gillette Sensor razor. The results were very impressive.
posted by Mayor Curley at 4:35 AM on July 13, 2005

Electric razor! The stubble is pretty soft and unintrusive, and electrics can get close to the skin if you want them to.

If you want to continue to use the other kind of razor, I recommend Aveeno Shaving Cream--it cuts way down on irritation and cuts. Then rub the area roughly with your towel every day when you get out of the shower to exfoliate it, which will reduce ingrown hairs significantly.
posted by equipoise at 5:05 AM on July 13, 2005

Best answer: You can buy this stuff called Bikini Zone- it's basically just an antiseptic that will help cut back on the itching.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 5:13 AM on July 13, 2005 [1 favorite]

from experience, the Seiko Cleancut electric razor is excellent. I'm at work so can't link, but a quick google should do the trick.
posted by corvine at 5:27 AM on July 13, 2005

posted by k8t at 5:30 AM on July 13, 2005

The stripper-tested and porn-star-recommended Feather Touch. I first read about it here on ask.metafilter but can't find the original post.
posted by TimeFactor at 5:32 AM on July 13, 2005

Those of you recommending waxing are referring to *professional* waxing as opposed to some sort of do-it-yourself kit, right?
posted by Crushinator at 6:15 AM on July 13, 2005

The Seiko is great, but you need to trim the hair first.

Lots of info here (NSFW) on different methods.

Man, I love the web ...
posted by essexjan at 6:30 AM on July 13, 2005

A friend told me that applying a gentle deodorant to the area minimizes irritation; I tried it with Dove--works like a charm.
posted by gai at 7:02 AM on July 13, 2005

Second the deodorant thing to reduce itching, but NOT the gel based ones. The white, solid "Sureā„¢" like kind.
posted by alana at 7:43 AM on July 13, 2005

Men's beard and moustache trimmer. Seriously. It works like a charm.
posted by MsMolly at 7:52 AM on July 13, 2005

Waxing (professional, definitely), is worth the trouble. Combine that with the aforementioned Bikini Zone lotion. If you insist on shaving, Skintastic makes a shave gel specifically for the bikini area, which works fairly well at preventing razor burn (combines with the bikini zone cream).

Itching isn't usually from razor burn but from the hair growing back. If you wax that will itch less because it grows back with a rounded end, rather than a sharp razor-cut tip.

And umm...while we're talking about this...A local waxing place has a price list that includes "bikini wax" "brazilian bikini wax" and "california bikini wax". NowI know what a brazilian wax is, but what's a california wax?
posted by duck at 7:55 AM on July 13, 2005

Waxing will always give best (and longer lasting) results, but for the pain free route I would use a Gilette Sensor Excel - 2 blades + lubrastrip (the head on razors with 3 blades are too big for the job) - with Kiehls brushless shaving cream. The key to a successful wet shave though is to do it during or immediately after showering - doing it cold will definitely result in razorburn on sensitive skin.
posted by forallmankind at 7:57 AM on July 13, 2005

Apparently, professional waxing at a salon is not that expensive; you can find waxes for $40-$50 and the results last for a month. I haven't summoned up the courage to try this, but since I've easily spent this month on failed home waxing attempts, I may give it a go.
I tried a couple of home waxing kits recently with disappointing results. The first time I used a heat-up wax (you heat it up in the microwave) and found it to be a horribly messy process. I think the key to waxing is to work in small clumps, because you have to pull the wax off quickly or it won't pull the hair out effectively or efficiently.
The second time I tried the "NADS" product with better results; cleanup was easier. It's a sticky gel-like substance that dissovles with water, but the application process was still messy as you're essentially using a small spatula as an applicator and you get long strands of goop sticking to stuff as you try to spoon the stuff out. I still found the process frustrating and didn't get all the hair removed I wanted...
If I were to try home waxing again, I'll probably try some of the pre-prepared strips to avoid the spatula.
posted by Dr. Zira at 8:57 AM on July 13, 2005

I tried the at-home waxing kit with the pre waxed strips and it actually pulled off skin while leaving patches of hair. The results were both horribly painful AND ugly. It's been a month and things finally seem to be almost back to normal.
If my husband makes one more mange or leprosy joke I'll have to make one of those "How to get rid of dead body" posts.
posted by Mamapotomus at 9:19 AM on July 13, 2005

Shaving doesn't work for me because the skin gets all angry and irritated, regardless of what kind of razor, what kind of shaving cream, etc. By the time the skin irritation calms down, the stubble is back. I get waxed by a pro at my local Elizabeth Arden, I am loyal to her because she manages to do it with less pain than anyplace else I have been. Ask around for some recommendations- some people are better at it than others. I wouldn't recommend going to a nail salon with the little curtained-off area for waxing if it's your first time- my experiences there were memorably painful.

One tip: take 2 ibuprofen 45 minutes before your appointment. It helps. The Bikini Zone stuff helps too.
posted by ambrosia at 9:43 AM on July 13, 2005

If you do home waxing, remember if you are doing the left side of the "bikini zone" then you pull strait down and to the right. Do not pull back to front, it must be down and right (and obviously down/left with the other side). This minimizes the skin loss. Also make sure that the wax is hot enough, but not too hot, test it on a sensitive place like under your upper arm rather than a tough skinned place like your hand.

What? I know things. Oh, and no, by the way.
posted by Pollomacho at 9:50 AM on July 13, 2005

Sugaring. Do a google for the simple recipe. Better than waxing.
posted by five fresh fish at 10:01 AM on July 13, 2005

you might not want to use "epil stop and spray". a few years ago i tried it. i got a severe chemical burn from it (even though i did test it before applying to my privates to see if i was allergic). it took me almost a whole year to heal. very bad. very very bad.
posted by sadie01221975 at 10:58 AM on July 13, 2005

Best answer: I echo the recommendation for Aveeno's shaving cream. It used to be that even on my legs, I could barely manage to shave without agony either right after or after a day or so. It makes a huge difference.

The REALLY most amazing thing I've found is Tendskin. It prevents razor bumps and ingrown hairs, and... it actually works. It's expensive for what it is, so if you're inclined, you can make it yourself. It does burn a bit when applied, but that lasts for only a minute or so.
posted by houseofdanie at 11:29 AM on July 13, 2005

I've heard really good things about Tendskin (it's what my stipper friends use), but I've never tried it.

Professional waxing is the way to go. I've had an appointment be as little as $20. I do it myself now, though, but I've had a lot of practice.
posted by Specklet at 11:38 AM on July 13, 2005

Trimming and Shaving Pubic Hair, from The-Clitoris.com. Not safe for work, obviously.
posted by Anonymous at 5:06 PM on July 13, 2005

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