in search of an apartment exchange website
March 17, 2012 11:50 AM   Subscribe

[Apartment Exchange Question] I have looked through the archives and didn't find anything recent that was on point. I am in search of recommendations on reputable apartment exchange websites...

Hi all,

I live in Philadelphia and will spend this summer (May - August) in Germany for work. I'm considering my options (i.e. the conventional route of just renting/subletting an apartment there) but thought I should also look into the possibility of an apartment exchange. Have you done this? Do you know of a reputable site? Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
posted by allthingsconsidered to Travel & Transportation (1 answer total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
A friend of mine who's a professor recently used Sabbatical Homes and they never checked his credentials. YMMV.
posted by knile at 6:33 AM on March 27, 2012

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