How do to a home exchange with pets?
February 15, 2010 2:24 PM   Subscribe

What do you do about your pets during an international home exchange of 1-3 months?

We are looking into trying an international home exchange, and we have two indoor cats.

We're even more leery about leaving them in the care of strangers than our house (oddly).

Don't think they'd do too well boarding or at someone else's place. Are concerns like this part of the typical home-exchange agreement?

Suggestions? (Find homeowners with cats themselves?)
posted by gottabefunky to Travel & Transportation (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
a quick google showed me that many home exchanges are done in order to be able to take your pets with you. Also a number of statements of making arrangements in which you agree to take care of each other's pets...
posted by HuronBob at 2:29 PM on February 15, 2010

Two indoor cats is easy with house exchanges - you just swap houses with someone who has kitties, or desperately wants to have kitties and loves them.

FWIW, that's not me - I genuinely would not do a house swap with cats, but I know a lot of people who would just be thrilled and see it as a real bonus.
posted by DarlingBri at 3:17 PM on February 15, 2010

I recently read an Ask Metafilter question that said cats are actually more attached to the homes they live in than the people they live with!

My husband and I have not done a home exchange before but we do have two cats. We would love to have someone look after them in our home while we exchanged and would reciprocate the care for their pets.

Live in Winchester, UK btw if that is of any interest!
posted by lilyflower at 4:08 AM on February 24, 2010

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