DDR solution for the new Wii that lacks Gamecube ports?
December 7, 2011 9:21 PM   Subscribe

Our Wii kicked the bucket and my girlfriend brought home a replacement and was dismayed to discover that this new model no longer had Gamecube controller ports which means no more DDR, at least not with the Gamecube-controller versions of the dance pads we have. How to remedy?

Not that I really want to have the mellow sounds of Vanilla Ice and the Pussy Cat Dolls echoing through my apartment once more, but what's the best solution to get DDR back in working order?

Are there USB dance pads that work with the Wii? Or, even better, is there some type of adapter for these existing dance pads that will connect to to the Wii via USB or wirelessly somehow?
posted by Robot Johnny to Technology (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
DDR Pads are so cheap that it's hardly worth looking for a (seemingly non-existent) adapter.
posted by chrisfromthelc at 9:25 PM on December 7, 2011

Response by poster: That doesn't answer the question -- I am happy to buy new dance pads, but it is unclear if any of those dance pads on Amazon connect to the Wii not using the Gamecube ports.
posted by Robot Johnny at 9:32 PM on December 7, 2011

Any chance you can return the new Wii and get a used one somewhere? The Gamecube-less Wiis are pretty much brand new, so anything more than a couple months old will be fine.
posted by DoctorFedora at 9:52 PM on December 7, 2011

Best answer: I don't think there's a way to make them work. I'm pretty sure you would need new software and new dance pads. It's probably easier to try and find either a used older Wii or hope somewhere might have back stock. From Nintendo's support site:

Difference Between the Models of Wii Consoles

Two models of the Wii console have been released:

Model Number RVL-001 Released in November 2006.

Model Number RVL-101 Released in October 2011. Has the same look, feel and function as model RVL-001, with the following exceptions:

Designed to sit horizontally rather than vertically.
The Nintendo GameCube controller sockets and memory card slots have been removed.
The system is not compatible with Nintendo GameCube game discs or accessories.
The system does not support Wii titles or accessories that require the use of the Nintendo GameCube controller ports. Because they require Nintendo GameCube controller ports to work, the following Wii titles are not compatible with model RVL-101:
Active Life: Explorer
Active Life: Extreme Challenge
Active Life: Magical Carnival
Active Life: Outdoor Challenge
Ultimate Party Challenge
The following titles will have limited functionality when used with model RVL-101:

Dance Dance Revolution
DanceDanceRevolution II
Dance Dance Revolution: Disney Grooves
DanceDanceRevolution Hottest Party
DanceDanceRevolution Hottest Party 2
DanceDanceRevolution Hottest Party 3
Walk It Out
posted by curse at 10:58 PM on December 7, 2011 [1 favorite]

Yeah, I'd try to return the Wii and see if someone has old stock or if you can find a good refurbished/used one.

And, as a fairly hardcore DDR player, yes, DDR pads are cheap. Good DDR pads are not.
posted by xedrik at 9:38 AM on December 8, 2011

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