What are some stories about deserters?
November 18, 2011 12:52 AM

What are some books about deserters from the armed forces during war times?

I remember hearing about a book a while ago that was about deserters from the US army during the Vietnam War. Sound familiar to anyone?. I'm also interested in stories/books about deserters during the US civil war, or in fact any deserter stories you may know of.
posted by lazy robot to Grab Bag (14 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Going After Cacciato is something of a deserter's tale.
posted by Suciu at 1:13 AM on November 18, 2011

The protagonist in the current television series Mad Men is a deserter from the Korean War, I think.
posted by XMLicious at 2:02 AM on November 18, 2011

It's WWI but my first thought was "A Farewell to Arms."
posted by sesquipedalian at 2:14 AM on November 18, 2011

Private Angelo by Eric Linklater is about an Italian soldier in the Second World War who ends up being co-opted by various sides, and who spends much of the conflict trying to extricate himself from the front line. It's funny, gripping, and by end, surprisingly touching.
posted by hydatius at 2:17 AM on November 18, 2011

US Civil War: The Red Badge of Courage.
posted by Salvor Hardin at 2:35 AM on November 18, 2011

Now The Hell Will Start
posted by vitabellosi at 3:15 AM on November 18, 2011

A Very Long Engagement
posted by thelonius at 3:26 AM on November 18, 2011

Journey to the End of Night is a classic of pessimism and misanthropy. The main character is a deserter from WWII.
posted by idiopath at 4:31 AM on November 18, 2011

err sorry make that WWI
posted by idiopath at 4:33 AM on November 18, 2011

Cold Mountain
posted by Jahaza at 6:10 AM on November 18, 2011

The Execution of Private Eddy Slovik. Book and movie. Slovik was one of hundreds of deserters during the Battle of the Hurtgen Forrest. He was the first soldier executed for desertion cince the US. Civil War.
posted by Gungho at 6:22 AM on November 18, 2011

The Island of Lost Souls, by Martyn Bedford.
posted by 8dot3 at 6:43 AM on November 18, 2011

If you want more from Vietnam, there's a memoir called Desertion : In the Time of Vietnam (US title; in Canada it was The Taste of Metal), which won several awards.
posted by timepiece at 6:56 AM on November 18, 2011

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